So why do I think the statement "I choose to be alone" is misguided? I think it is misguided because it reflects your vantage point and ignores my situation. In our relationships and interactions with each other, we often look at things through our own eyes. But the true nature of a healthy relationship is to adopt the other person's perspective. As irrational as a person's behavior may seem to us, there was a process that led that person to view their behavior as appropriate given the factors they processed. In short, what they did made sense to them.
What does that have to do with the subject for today? We all are a combination of fears, hopes, vulnerabilities, dreams, emotional sore spots, strengths and weaknesses. These things affect us in varying degrees throughout our lives. The interplay of these characteristics makes us process situations in a manner that "MAKES SENSE" in light of what is going on inside of us. So sometimes, we miss signals or we misinterpret actions or we don't respond like others think we should. So in essence, we CHOOSE the action, but not necessarily the outcome.
Do I choose to be alone? No, that is an outcome of my actions that I may not have properly anticipated. Do I choose my behavior? Most certainly. Hopefully, as I continue to mature, I will get better at matching my behavior and decisions with my desired outcomes. But being human, I sometimes miss the mark or make miscalculations.
For Christian singles, we have the guidance of the Holy Spirit to help us better understand the connection between the choices we make and the outcomes that flow from them. Also as Christian singles, that same Holy Spirit can help guide us in guiding others in properly matching their decisions with results.
Now in the larger scheme of things, relying on the Holy Spirt; that really makes sense!