Friday, September 15, 2006

What Kind Of Friend Are You?

What kind of friend are you? Many of us think we are great people to have as a friend. But is that really true? Below are some suggestions on how you can become a better friend to those you care about.
  • Pray for people by name and pray for their specific situation.
  • Take the time to be a better listener than you are a talker.
  • Be someone that others can trust with their secrets.
  • Call or email someone you have not made contact with in awhile. Your contact may make someone's day and uplift their spirits.
  • Go out of your way to be considerate, even when it is inconvenient.
  • Always try to be constructive, not destructive in your observations about people.
    Never entertain rumors about your friends.
  • Put as much effort into building platonic friendships as many singles put into finding romantic partners.
  • Surprise a friend by taking them out to dinner or offering to pay their way to a movie. Do it with no expectation of payback.
  • Strive to achieve the kind of friendship that David and Jonathan (from the Bible) shared.

May 2006 be a year of great friendships for Christian singles everywhere.

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