Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Want Jesus To Walk With Me

While on this life’s journey of singleness, we all need someone to lean on from time to time. Sometimes, we don’t trust each other enough to ask for help. In our minds, we decide it is better to go it alone. We say we want Jesus to be the head of our lives, but we often kick and fight against His game plan.

I want Jesus to walk with me - Sounds like a plan to me and probably to you too.

But, somehow we have fallen short. Our actions and our thoughts suggest that it really is not about God’s will. Rather, if the truth be told, it is about our fear of being blessed or of not being enough or of not being ready or of not being accountable. For many of us, our singleness is characterized by accepting less than what God has to offer.

I want Jesus to walk with me - How long are we going to continue to lie to ourselves?

Lord, on the one hand I claim contentment in my singleness. But on the other hand, I bemoan the fact that I do not have a mate. On the one hand, I try to act like I don’t have the desire for true love. But on the other hand, I do and say things I have no business doing as a Christian single in the pursuit of romance. Jesus is there with me all the time, but I complain about the one (my soul mate) who is not present.

I want Jesus to walk with me - Can somebody change the words to that song?

Heavenly Father, today we come asking for forgiveness. We intended to become more spiritual, but we have let “singleness stuff” get in the way. We appreciate your company, but somehow, we have allowed those feelings of loneliness and depression and our moments of disbelief to distract us. We know it seems like we are just “shucking and jiving”; but we really don’t mind having you around. Help us to truly understand what being a Christian single really means so that we can stop singing a song we don’t believe and mouthing the words we don’t comprehend.

I want Jesus to walk with me - May those words be the anthem to our journey of singleness.


Anonymous said...

If Jesus doesn't walk with me, who will?
Yes, I have made mistakes and if I keep on living, I am bound to make more. But that doesn't mean that I don't want Him to be there with me every step of the way.
I am content with my singless only because I have to be. Again I say, if I dwell on my state of being, I am taking too much time from Him. I want that mate to share this life with. Sitting out back watching the bugs. Going to the beach and seeing the sunset. Going to church and riding in the car sharing what we learned from bible study or just hearing the word. In a restaurant feeding each other food. Yes, I want that mate to share the laughter and the tears.
But until that time comes I have to keep living not dwelling on what I don't have.
I do want Jesus to walk with me. Even when I do what I shouldn't be doing. I want Him there to push me back on track.
If I keep singing that song, it just may make me stronger.


Anonymous said...

First of all, please believe me when I say…”you are an amazing writer”!

Wow, this is quite a confession or quite a judgment…I really don’t feel we as “Christians” period lie to ourselves intentional and we definitely are not “shucking and jiving” with God. Although, we are doing the best we can in any situation; we are striving to survive and if that has to be finding “contentment in our singleness” for now, then so be it. Most of all we are growing, and maturing in Christ.

I hear all that you are saying but not to sound bitter but if God has anointed you to be a helper I should not have to keep begging and reminding you I need your help, please throw me a life Jacket I am drowning. I just never get that feeling people really mean what they say…it sound good and correct as a Christian but deep down we hope no one takes us up on our offer.

I think we Christian singles all fall short when it comes to helping and loving one another…We say, I love you and I want to help but what we really meant to say is “I love you and I am able to help you as long as what you ask of me does not cost me or inconvenience me …

Perhaps , I am refusing to think about my singleness and I dare not hope it will change; yes at times I spend more time than I ought to feeling lonely and depress…but I never forget how far I have come by “His Grace”; He is life to me and He does walk and talk with me each and every day…I was near death and God heal me and He saw pass my faults and fill my every need…Until , you actually care enough to personally hear my story and personally allow me to tell you “how I got over” you have no ideal of my Christian Journey . Mr. Writer if you only knew.

The extra mile