On Tuesday, I talked about how we sometimes treat God like He is the bad music in a horror movie. Rather than viewing Him as the stern taskmaster that keeps us from enjoying life, we should understand that God can be the source of genuine joy. On Thursday, I discussed that sometimes we allow the wrong kind of “stuff” on our brains as Christian singles. On Saturday, the emphasis was on striving to put God in our details instead of the devil.
Below are some comments I have responded to.
“I know what the bible says “it is not good for man to be alone” but it is also not good for man to worry about this type “stuff” either and I am sure you will agree when we worry and get depress about this "STUFF" we are out of relationship with God” No, actually I don’t agree. I would prefer that people not “worry” about finding a mate, but the reality is that most of us do worry. But we need to be clear that this worrying will not place us outside of a relationship with God. It’s like our parents don’t disown us when we pay more heed to our peers than we do to their advice. They may be disappointed in us, but they still love us and they see us as their children. The same is also true of God.
“I simply am getting to the point I really don’t care what people think of me because Christ suffered through this "STUFF" and He is far greater than I.” Let’s be careful here. I am convinced that God does not want us to get to the point that we do not care what others think of us. As long as we are living, we have to co-exist, work, play and interact with others. So, on one level, it should matter what others think of us. I don’t understand the connection you are making between “Christ suffering through this “STUFF” and the fact that “He is far greater than I.” One could argue that one of the reasons for Christ’s suffering on the cross was to help us in our relationships with each other. It is not productive to building relationships to not care what others think. I think your true meaning is that we should not sacrifice our spirituality (relationship with God) because of an overwhelming concern for how others view us.
“So bottom line Mr. Writer, no matter what you write with your swift pin [PEN} and your keen mind my prayers will be, Lord let me find contentment in my present situation even if it means being alone and single for the rest of my life…” What is God’s will for your life? Suppose His will is that you not be single? Would you then be going against His will if you resolve to be content in your current state of singleness? As I look at my life, I have to resist the urge to elevate my wants over the will of God. This may not apply to you, but often when singles say they want to find contentment in their singleness, they are giving up so they will no longer feel frustrated or disappointed. True contentment comes from going with the flow of God’s will and not operating against it.
“Is it so wrong to want to be “SAVED, SINGLE AND SATISIFIED" in christ?” Again, what is God’s will? Not what is my will, but what does God want for me? Our spirituality should be about more than clichés and cute sayings. The desire for a mate is strong in most of us and God placed that desire in most of us. So, is it so wrong to want for ourselves what God wants for us? The key is to discern His will and not put words in His mouth.
“Great write but, if you have a receipt [RECIPE] for keeping the “devil out of our stuff” please share, give it to us.” No recipes, but consider the following: The devil and God have one thing in common. Neither will force us to do anything. The devil has an advantage over God in the fact that what he is trying to get us to do; we WANT to do. (Most pious Christians will disagree with that statement!!) Keeping the devil out of our “stuff” is learning to like what God likes. When we can begin to view God as the provider of more “yes’" than “no’s”, then we will find it easier to stomp out the devil. This lead us to two questions we as individuals have to answer: 1. What is God’s will? 2. What kind of relationship do I have with God?
Sunday, July 15, 2007
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Well Mr. Writer you were doing such a great job with your writing up to this point. BUT it is my desire to find contentment even if it means being single during the rest of my stay on earth…I want to find joy in every situation even in my singleness! I am not giving up anything but the time I spend worrying about stuff. I have wasted enough time crying and trying to measure up to someone’s standards…we have no ideal of the cause of someone else’s stuff until we “walk in their shoes”.
Mr. Writer, then it is more than OK for me not to worry about what people think of me because I am a child of God…and I really refuse to waste time worrying or even caring what my peers think…as you stated God will love me no matter. If my peers’ thoughts are that important then I pray they will do the very least and “Pray for me”.
This is pretty much my point, Christ came to the earth and suffered through some stuff such as being talked about; being disappointed; being rejected; being beaten, etc., of course His stuff was not without purpose. Christ made it through even if it was part of God’s plan so I know I am not above Christ…I am going through some stuff and hopefully it will make me strong or help someone else. I cannot be consume about what you think of me when I allow you into my stuff…and I will not worry about what you think of me because of my stuff…My relationship with God is just that Mine (smile).
It is simply hard enough to be friend those who are claiming salvation must less this “mate thing”…everyone has their own agenda and yet we front with God and pretend to be waiting on God for the right person that help meat to come along…yet we rarely even listen to God…He looks on the heart and we look on the outside appearance of man which blinds us to the will of God…we decide if a person does not have this or that and does not look a certain way, then God did not send them, “this could not be my soul mate from the Lord” … We put our physical wants before Gods will for us. So I really don’ think I will go to “HELL” for wanting to find contentment in every situation…including my being single for a life time.
For me to be “saved, single, and satisfied” in Christ could very well be God’s will, or at least so it seems for now and I cannot worry about tomorrow. I assure you this desire is not a cute cliché it is far more than you seem to realize…it is not my choice to be alone but right now it is what it is … with that said, I am far too old and I take my spirituality too serious to live it through a cute saying or cliché…
I really do thank God for you and your swift writing pen!
We can't worry about things we have no control over.
Marriage, children, work, church,
as long as we do as we should and stay on the right pathway everything else will fall into place.
We may not be pleased with all tha comes our way, but that is because of our standards. Not God's.
Just because I am content with my present situation does not mean that I have given up. My focus is not my singleness, but life. What am I doing to make a difference in my life? How am I bettering myself? Singleness is just a state. The more I focus on that state, I am taking more focus off God. So I try to keep Him forefront and when the time is right, I'll know it.
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