Monday, July 23, 2007

Last Week In Review Sunday 7/22/07

On Monday, I talked about how we are “too polite” with God. He asks us what we want and tend to give Him vague answers that do not reflect our true desires. On Wednesday, I cautioned us against “staring into God’s mouth”. It is rude and our mommas would be so disappointed! Also, we have to learn how to be straight with God and not hide behind false religious piety when it comes to how we feel about our singleness. On Thursday, I discussed how we sometimes let “singleness stuff” keep us from walking with Jesus. On Friday, the question was posed about the impact on all of our relationships of having Jesus walk with US. On Saturday, singles were encouraged to walk together to grow spiritually and to not grow weary in staying in the will of God.

Below are some comments I have responded to.

I realize I have spent about half a century being concerned about this stuff. I am not married most likely will not be married…”SO I NEED TO GET OVER IT”.” Exactly what are you trying to “get over”? The desires that I believe God has placed in your heart? Good luck with that! Let me know how that turns out!!

God is my all and all, I know what He has for me, He has for me…I know God will do what He said;” What God has for us IS for us, as long as we don’t mess things up. God never forces His blessings on us; we have to position ourselves to receive them.

We hope and trust that God will answer that prayer. But all prayers are not meant to be answered. That mate that we are asking for may not be what God wants for us. And not at that time either.” Every sincere prayer we offer up to God is answered. Sometimes we either don’t like the answer or we don’t recognize the answer that God has given.

Well, I don't think I want to go around expecting to meet Mr. Right any day. I try to live each day enjoying all that is laid before me. Yes there are lonely times but life goes on.” Not just waiting for our soul mate, but also expecting God’s favor to rain down on us TODAY. Today, it may be a new job and tomorrow it may be an unexpected phone call from a long lost friend and next week may be extra dollars in the bank account. It is the expectation that God is going to bless us that should get us out of the bed each morning. Included in this expectation is the possibility that Mr. or Miss Right will come into our lives. Why wouldn’t you want to live a life of blessed expectation?

If Jesus doesn't walk with me, who will?” One possibility is the devil! Or maybe it will be someone who may have good intentions, but who is also not equipped to help you. That is why Jesus should walk with us FIRST.

I am content with my singless [singleness] only because I have to be. Again I say, if I dwell on my state of being, I am taking too much time from Him.” You don’t have to be content with your singleness. In fact, I think we should not try to fool ourselves into being content with being single! Rather, let’s find our contentment and satisfaction in the “I AM” nature of God. Besides, it may be God’s will that we not be single, but we have not yet positioned ourselves to receive that blessing. Another point I want to make is that God is so big and vast, that we cannot take time from Him by desiring to have a mate. God is a jealous God, but not like that! (smile)

If I keep singing that song, it just may make me stronger.” It is not the singing of the song that will make you stronger, but living by the true spirit behind the words. Part of the cause of the problems that many singles struggle with is because we know the words to the song, but we do not understand the SPIRIT behind the words.

Wow, this is quite a confession or quite a judgment…I really don’t feel we as “Christians” period lie to ourselves intentional and we definitely are not “shucking and jiving” with God.” Who would admit that they are lying to themselves or “shucking and jiving” God? But I do think we try to walk somewhere between the right things to say and the real desires in our hearts. In other words, we say the “right” things, but we feel something entirely different. It is like we are trying to say what we THINK God wants to hear.

I hear all that you are saying but not to sound bitter but if God has anointed you to be a helper I should not have to keep begging and reminding you I need your help, please throw me a life Jacket I am drowning. I just never get that feeling people really mean what they say…it sound good and correct as a Christian but deep down we hope no one takes us up on our offer.” When people offer their help, they may or may not be genuine. But we are no worse off when people are not really interested in helping us. However, the bigger problem is that although we recognize that we need help, we often fail to ask. Or sometimes we ask the wrong person. One reason why we sometimes do not ask for help is because it does put some responsibility on our shoulders. In those cases, we don’t really want help; we want someone to do everything while we do nothing.

As a side note, I am trying to find another word for “singleness” because I think that word is so overrated and gets way too much attention at times…but I am sure you would not agree.” I encourage you to find a word that fits with your spiritual outlook. For me, I think I will spend less time trying to come up with an alternative word. Singleness, the word is fine with me as long as it incorporates the will of God in my life. As for me disagreeing with you, I believe that all of us learn more from our disagreements than from our points of agreement. That is why when comments are made that do not coincide with my views; I still print them in their entirety.

Out of desperation, I felt I had to do something and perhaps God needed help finding me a mate. I had followed much of the advice posted in this blog. I even adventured to asking men out and emailing them trying to establish relationships period which left me drained and lacking…” You are to be commended; most Christian singles would never admit to acting out of desperation. But the truth of the matter is, most of us do from time to time. Following the lead of Jesus; He never seemed to panic or get flustered. (Maybe in the Garden of Gethsemane just before the Romans came to arrest Him.) I think what kept Him calm is His trust in God and His familiarity with God’s will. For singles, I think we will be less vulnerable to moments of desperation the more we learn to trust HIM and the more we learn about His will for our lives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jesus! Mr. Writer, you did it actually connected with the readers.

Awesome, weekly review...I had so many take ways in this week review to aide in my every day living. Although, we know the word is applicable in every day living we don't always know how to apply thank you!