Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Stuff Like That!

Hey, stuff happens. If you live long enough, you will have to go through mess. Our journey of singleness will have its share of all kinds of stuff. Moments of broken-hearted pain, periods of anxiety, bouts of depression and times of anger. We try to be strong, but we are only fooling ourselves. Everybody else is too busy dealing with their own stuff that they don’t have time to notice how well you have constructed your façade of strength. So stop wasting your time with doing stuff like that!

Today may be your day to cry or shake your fist at God or ponder just giving up and giving in. That’s okay; God and those people He sends will help you work your way past that slippery wet floor. Tomorrow may be your time to be strong, so go ahead and shed those tears or express your frustrations or ask your questions or voice your doubts today. Being spiritual is not letting your moments of weakness get the best of you. So, be weak today if you must, just don’t fall all the way down because of stuff like that!

Oh no she didn’t! Why did he treat you that way? It always seems the ones we love and trust the most are the ones who hurt us deeply. But is that really true? God should be the one we love and trust the most and He has never let us down. With God as that shoulder to cry on or that voice of spiritual reason to rely on, surely we can withstand the mean things people say or do to us. So keep your head up and don’t stay down when you get knocked down when people do stuff like that!

Your situation may be slightly different from mine. What hurts me may not have the same effect on you. But, we all hurt from time to time. As Christian singles, we need to be there for each other so the hurt will not be as painful and the sadness will not linger. Every now and then, we could use a gentle pat on the back for encouragement or a soft voice reminding us that everything will be okay. Oh what blessedness and oh what joy divine we can experience on our journey of singleness if we all could uplift each other with stuff like that!


Anonymous said...

For you are correct Mr. Writer, everyone else has gone on about their business and they are too busy to notice what someone else is dealing with…but certainly not too busy to notice the games we play with one another; how attractive or unattractive someone else is; how fat or skinny an individual is; a bad hair day; if you are torn-up from the floor-up and someone’s mishaps or “stuff” but I challenge you with the question is that the way God truly intended for it to be?

As we look back in bible times, God was always amongst the unbelievers, simply looking for opportunities to bless, to heal, to restore; to help; to feed the hungrier and yet we go around pretending we don’t see those who are hurting, we ignore the broken-hearted; the suicidal; the hungry; the needy and the list goes on …Is all this really considered wasting time with “stuff like that” when God reveals things about “one another”; should Christians not take the time to pray; seek opportunities to help our brother(s) and sister(s) out of the “hole” and off the slippery surface?

We as Christian singles, should never wait to see if it will be someone’s’ day we must do all we can to “make someone day”…if someone is going to be in a flood of tears let it be me Lord to simply hand them the handkerchief or tissue to dry their weeping eyes (assure them weeping may endure for a night but daylight will cometh in the morning) ...if someone is in need a kiss or hug I want to be the one to simply hug and kiss them; even if I am frustrated and weak let me see joy in helping someone up from the slippery wet floor.

Dear God, never let me be so absorbed with me not to hear your voice and miss an opportunity to share what you have graciously given me and that is freedom…”I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.”

Thank you for the awesome transfer of knowledge, I am not sure where everyone is but they are missing some good “word “…

Anonymous said...

I have noticed in my faith walk that the "stuff" that happens sometimes make me stronger. It let's me know what I do want in life and what I don't want.
It also let's me know who is really in my corner when needed.
I know that we are to trust God for all things. But you know we are human and we look to our friends for more support.
But a key thing is that a friend is just that. In some cases, we try to make more out of it than what it really is. I did.
I thought that that friend was to be really more. But God allowed our paths to cross to aide each other.
So we have to be careful when we use the term being there for each other. Cause as women, we get "emotional". I know I do and I look deeper into things than I really need to. Just cause you are here to help does not mean you are to be my romantic interest. Not you the person, but people in general. So if we can help each other with the "stuff" in life and stay focused on the important "stuff", we can be cool.
Peace Out