Tuesday, August 07, 2007

In Context

Do we as Christian singles fully understand what it means to be children of God? I suspect that we sometimes forget that very important fact. How else can we explain the occasional bouts of temporary spiritual insanity where we have sex outside of marriage or we use four-letter words that would shame a sailor or spread that juicy gossip about someone or cheat on our romantic partners or lock up ourselves in our prisons of depression and isolation? This is no way for children of God to act!

So, when someone makes unwanted advances and we treat him or her like they are NOT a child of God or when we allow ourselves to act like we are NOT part of God’s family, we are living a life out of context. But God has given us a way out of the spiritual quandary in which we have placed ourselves. Isn’t God good how He allows us to use the love He has given us in our dealings with each other?

The more “better” we do understand the implications behind being a child of God, the more “better” we can get our life back in context. For example, on Saturday when I was helping my co-worker move, my purpose at that moment was to help out a friend. When I was the target of the unwanted advance; my view was that it was out of context. But, I could have made a strange situation even worse if I did not accept the fact that the other person is a child of God and if I did not accept the same for myself.

That is the challenge before us Christian singles. When life throws things our way that are out of context; it is up to us to allow the Spirit to put things back in context. Yes you are right when you say that it is much easier said than done. But that is part of the reason why many may be called, but few are chosen. We have been chosen and now is the time for us to make a similar choice as we journey through our singleness. We much choose the One who chose us!!

In case you have been nodding and falling asleep; here is the point I am trying to make. Christian singles should strive to keep things in context by not being distracted by events or people that will push us outside the will of God. As we grow in our realization that we and those people we interact with are children of our Heavenly Father; we will have the spiritual tools to “stay the course and keep our minds focused on Him”. (That’s “bible-speak” for keeping our attention on God!)

Tomorrow’s Post - A Different Conversation


Anonymous said...

It's 2:00 a.m. and as you can see I can't sleep.
When you say context, you are talking about the will of God or
our focus for the moment?
Gossiping is not in the will of God, so when we do this it is out of context.
Fornication is out of His will so again this is out of context.
If this is what you are saying, I get it.
Each day that we exist, we are to always be in His will and when we go against that, we are out of context.
Remember we are also human and when that flesh tries to overtake the spiritual (not sexually) but in everyday life, work, driving, home, where do we pull that strength from to overcome that weakness?
Your faith walk is on a totally differnt level than mine. I am still climbing that ladder.
I know that people have no control over us or me, but they know how to push those buttons and there are times that you just react.

Anonymous said...

Ok, Kevin
Let me see if I get this one, is being "in context" the same as being "in Christ"?