Sunday, November 11, 2007

That Ain’t God In Her Eyes!!

In previous posts, I have encouraged the readers to stop seeing others only through the lens of their lusts, dreams, hopes and fears. With the best of intentions, most of us see others for what they do to us:

  • How they make us feel
  • How we perceive they can help us
  • What we want them to do for us

But it all comes down to creating an image of the other person that has to do more with our reality than with their true identity.

I have discovered to my dismay, that many of the interactions that people initiate with me are really just about their own interests. The emails I receive, the call I get, the conversations that people initiate with me mostly have to do with what I can do to or for them.

  • When is the next singles meeting?”
  • “Can I get you to frame this piece of art?”
  • “Can you get this book for me?”
  • “I am horny, can you be my maintenance man?” (Okay, no one has said exactly those words to me, but if left unchecked, that is where some interactions may lead to.)
  • “How can I get an article in the church newsletter?”
  • “I need you to make me laugh, so say something funny.”

All of these requests and statements are really for the benefit of the person speaking them. Unless I take their “lemons” and somehow turn them into “lemonade”, these words do not help me be more of what God wants me to be.

All that stuff ain’t God in her eyes!!

Tomorrow’s Post - Nope, That Still Ain’t God In Her Eyes!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Writer,

It is my thoughts you are playing unfair. I am not sure about anyone else but I truly wanted to know Kevin...and this was without any exceptions.

I purchase books from your online bookstore because, 1. I love to read and bless people; 2 I. love to bless people.

The truth is we are all visual including yourself...finding that right person has just as much to do with looking at that right person.

Kevin, please take the mask off and stop pushing people away...If I ask if you can get this book or that book yes I need that book but at the same time I am just trying to find an entry point of friendship. BUT I am like God in this way that I truly have your best interest at heart and will not force myself on you.

To Thou Ownself Be True!