Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Lord, I’ll Trust You

Okay Lord, I admit it. You are a lot smarter than I. I’m not complaining, but you did have a bit of a head start. I mean, you’ve been around since the before the beginning of time so you were bound to learn a thing or two. I know, you were “smart” before time came into existence, but my point is, you’ve been around long enough to build up some frequent travel miles, if you know what I mean. But of course you know what I mean; you are God!

Can you clue me on something? It seems like this singleness thing has me a bit confused. When you observed that is was not good for Adam to be alone, were you just referring to him or to all of mankind? Or maybe your statement only applied to some people, but not all. You see, I am alone and I am beginning to feel like that is the way it is always going to be. Not that I’m questioning your wisdom or anything, I just want some answers. That is, if you don’t mind.

Because you are so smart and all, I will trust you. Can’t say I will always agree with you, but I will do my best to go along with your program. Surely, in the gazillion plus years you have been around, you have encountered all kinds of people in all kinds of situations. So my current state of singleness must not be something new to you. But it is new to me. Got any answers? Something that can put my mind to rest?

Is there someone out there for me that will be just as excited about being with me as I will be about being with her? You see, up to now, my timing has been off. But I am sure you have better things to do than to hear about my lack of a love life. So instead of complaining, I will just try to trust you. See, I’m starting get a little smart myself! I may not know everything, but I know enough to rely on you.

Not that I am telling you what to do, but could you kind of hurry up with the solutions to my problems? Unlike you, I don’t have a gazillion plus years. I mean, a brother would like to enjoy that someone special in this lifetime, if you know what I mean. But of course you do; you are God! That is why Lord, I’ll trust you.


Anonymous said...

Have you ever thought that the right person had come along and you ignored her because she wasn't pretty enough, had the right amount of money or education or this that or the other. Do you think that God had tried to place someone in your life and truly ignored him because of those things. These are questions that I ask myself all the time. We as humans get so caught up in the way someone look and what they have, and the perceptions of exactly what we want, we ignore the fact that, that perfect someone can be not as good looking as we are or not have as much education as we have and we may be losing out on who is right for us in God's eyes.

Kevin Morgan said...

Dear Anonymous,

Trusting God means to stop looking back and bemoaning the one that got away. The truth of the matter is no one of us is good looking enough or not perfect for someone. It only takes one to find us perfect for them. But our trust in God leads us to feel that we are good looking enough and good enough for that one person. I can't speak for you, but I am not going to worry about those who didn't see me as a good match. I'd rather put my time and effort into trusting God.

Kevin Morgan said...

Dear TSS,

In response to your question, there is a difference between wanting the perfect one (as you put it) and accepting what God delivers. There is nothing wrong with having specific things and attributes in mind. Just as long as we are willing to truly trust God more than we trust our list. (The truth of the matter for me is if I keep holding out for Nia Long, I will probably miss out on some great women. So while I may pine for Nia, but I may also realize that "Shenequa" is really the perfect one for me).
However, I sense that your comments and questions have more to do with your personal experiences. If I had to guess, some men out there have chosen not to enter or continue a relationship with you because they felt you did not match up with their list. But I cannot fully address your personal experiences in this public blog. Please note that I have no way of responding directly to you except through this blog unless you leave your email address at
If you choose not to leave an email, at least take the time to read the series of postings on "God In Her Eyes" that I did last year.