Thursday, March 13, 2008

What Have We Here?

Lately, I have been thinking about my lack of a love life. Poor, poor me! Nobody knows the trouble I’ve seen. And on and on it goes. My phone doesn’t ring. My email box is empty (except for the regular notices that I have won a million dollars in a lottery that I didn’t even know I played) and my door knocker is about to fall due to lack of use.

What have we here? Another bad singleness day? If you ask me, it looks like my glass is not only half empty, but it is looking pitiful bad.

Where is God in all of this self-pity party? Some might look at me and say, “If that is the kind you serve that He leaves you without joy, I don’t want no part of it.” Can’t say that I blame them. What kind of message am I sending about my Heavenly Father?

No love? Oh really! I guess Jesus’ love is not enough. What greater love than for someone to lay down his life? Christ did that for me? Well, that’s the kind of love I need!

What have we here? A singleness gone bad because I don’t recognize the blessing of God’s love? How many souls have been turned away because of my displays of loneliness? Ahh, the possibilities, but now they are gone. Why? Because I kept the focus on me.

At times like this, others may say, “My god is bigger, stronger and better than your God.” When I am moping around like this, how can I argue? They may be on to something. Maybe I should give my God another look. Loneliness and depression, you ain’t got nothing on Him. No doubt my God can open a can on your god!

What have we here? Has God been faithful to you? But that is really not the question. We should answer if we have been faithful to Him? I think that is where I have messed up. I really didn’t trust Him. I really didn’t expect Him to keep His word. I wasted too much time looking at my problems instead of staying focused on the promise of God’s power.

Jesus loves me this I know! What have I been smoking? Me with no love life? Now that I think about it; that is ridiculous! I have more love than I can handle and that’s the problem. I can’t “haaaaaaaandle” it. (From the movie, A Few Good Men with Tom Cruise and Jack Nicholson). Not because I am not capable, but because I didn’t truly believe.

I’m in love with Jesus and He’s in love with me. Well, what have we here!


Anonymous said...

Have anyone ever told you or maybe you already know that you have some issues within yourself going on. You seem to be depressed about your single life, you don't appear to be happy with yourself at all. You seem to only blog when you are "down" about your singleness. I don't see where your advice would appear to help any single people out there. I am glad you finally realized that yes Jesus loves you, If you were the Christian you state you are, you would have realized that a long, long time ago

Kevin Morgan said...

Dear Anonymous,

I strongly encourage you to reread this post. You seem to have missed the point entirely.

Notice the progression of the writer from depression to spiritual joyfullness. That should be the focus, not your misperceptions about the writer. The false assumptions about me are less important than the glorious opportunity to grow that God places before us.