Saturday, April 05, 2008

Cheering From The Sidelines

It has been said that what goes around, comes around. I suppose that is true of good luck and periods of special blessings. Today may be my day of special blessings while tomorrow may be yours. Or maybe our days of divine favor may happen at the same time or they may not. As Christian singles, I think that we should work just as hard at celebrating the special moments of blessings for others as we do our own special days.

I have a friend who seems to have found a promising new love. She is at a stage where there are more questions than answers, but each day hints at new and exciting discoveries about her new friend and potential romantic partner. She does not know it, but I am praying for her and the new relationship. I stand ready to celebrate each new milestone and any details she care to share. Sometimes she does not have to say anything but let the smile on her face affirm that things are going well. Whether she keeps me abreast of her romantic accomplishments or not; I want her to know that I am cheering for her from the sidelines.

As her cheerleader, I expect good news and I would be greatly disappointed if things don’t work out between her and her new love interest. Being on the sidelines, I stand ready to be that shoulder to cry on, but my prayer is that I will be the one who is clapping the loudest as her relationship grows stronger.

I suspect that all of us can look around and identify friends who are enjoying great success in the romance arena. I don’t mean one night stands or sexual drive-bys. Rather, I am talking about people who have crossed the burning sands of loneliness, despair and maybe a moment or two of desperation to finally reach an oasis of romantic bliss. You know how painful their nights of loneliness were. You heard their cries of “Oh Lord, what about me?” You shared their moments of anxiety and sensed their hint of surrender to never finding true love. Knowing what they have gone through; you should celebrate the fact that it looks like they have made it. Praise God and thank Him too for answering their prayers. Be the first to grab the pom-poms to take the lead in cheering from the sidelines.

Lord, bless my friend’s new relationship and may the smile I see on her face continue to reflect your divine favor. I thank you for hearing her cries and for not holding against her those moments of lost faith. Thanks for allowing me to have something to cheer for from the sidelines.


Anonymous said...

(Clap, clap, clap) It takes a true friend to celebrate the success and joy of the other person. Your friend may not know how true a friend you are but the Lord sees your genuine care for her and will remember you. Not that such is your motivation, but it is a wonderful bonus. Not everyone who smiles at you is a true friend. Praise God for you being genuine. May He bring you the same joy and more!

Anonymous said...

You do need to be commended for your true friendship attitude, Mr. Blogger. Being single these days is very complicated. One of the things we don't talk about is what to do if you share your health history with your new friend and they leave you because of it. In thses days and times, alot of us are single again after years of marriage. We have bumps and bruises and diseases that, although may not be deadly, are still worth discossing. Did you know that 1 in 5 adults has genital herpes? Did you know that 50% of women have or have had the virus that causes genital warts? STDs are not limited to woment; men help spread them! Not everyone handles this honesty well. So, what should someone do if your honesty causes your new found love to fly away? Is honesty the best policy?