Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I noticed a man on the side of the road with a sign with the word “Hungery” written on it. Obviously, he meant to use the word "hungry" and he was expressing a problem that he wanted others to help him solve. It did not take me long to realize the message he was trying to convey even though he used an incorrectly spelled word.

When people come to us for help, it is unfortunate that we often let the spirit behind the message slip by us because of how the message is delivered. Sometimes, we choose not to do good because the person asking the favor of us did not seem humble enough or appreciative enough or respectful enough. Sometimes, we refuse to help others because we don’t agree or like something they did last week. Sometimes we won’t even pray for certain people because we think they are “unworthy” of our prayers. These and other actions are examples of how we focus on the spelling of the words on the sign instead of the meaning behind the word(s).

Put bluntly, Christian singles should be better than that. When Christ said the last shall be first and the meek shall be uplifted, how do you think this massive transformation was going to take place? Many of us think that God will blink His eyes and magically, the poor will be made rich and the lowly will be brought elevated. If that is the case, then what are Christians here for? I hate to bust your bubble, but we are being called to be God’s transforming agents. As a result of our relationship to God, the sad should be made happy, the defeated should experience the thrill of victory, the unloved should feel true love and the desperate should begin to live a life of hope.

Let’s not let a few misspelled words keep us from promoting THE word from on high. Sometimes we get so beaten up by the worst of what the world has to offer that we don’t always dot our I’s and cross our t’s. But even through our slurred speech, mispronounced words or poor grammar, we still expect God to bless us. So we should expect nothing less in our opportunities to help others. If we keep allowing the bungled messages to prevent us from living up to our spiritual mandate to be a blessing to others, then we have some "splaining" to do!

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