Friday, December 15, 2006

Get It? Got It? Good! - DO MORE, Part V

The theme for this week is DO MORE. The challenge before us, if we choose to accept it, is to not settle for our current status, but strive to go beyond that. Some of us may say that enough is already being done and nothing else is left to do. Imagine if God had said that?

  • "I created the world, what else do they want?"
  • "I made mankind in my image, what else do they need?"
  • "I have given them the capacity to grow and develop, what else are they looking for?"
  • "I have loved them unconditionally, what else do they want me to do?"
But thankfully, He did not say those things. Rather, He chose to DO MORE. Get it, Got it, Good!

Back to the challenge. It's not like there are not any benefits to putting into practice the lessons of DO MORE. More fulfilling relationships is one key positive outcome we can look forward to. I don't know about you, but I am sick and tired of being sick and tired of all of those relationships that left me feeling unfulfilled. So yes, I will take up the challenge to DO MORE. Prayerfully, I will develop relationships with other people of the same mindset. How about you?

1 comment:

Kevin Morgan said...

The following is an edited comment from a reader. Certain items have been changed or modified to protect the identity of the person making the original comment. (KEVIN)

Comment on "Get It? Got It? Good! - DO MORE, Part V" (December 15, 2006)

I pray that if that opportunity to do more while serving others comes my way or I create that opportunity, that God will give me the mindset to develop relationships with people of the same set. Great series of postings on DO MORE, Mr. Morgan. I feel the greatest failure in others meeting my needs is I do not often tell people what my needs are. I continue to cheat those in life and myself because I can't tell anyone what I need for the fear they can't do it for me or will not do it for me. I am not sure anyone has ever “Got Me”! How does the individual get to the point that the ego is pushed aside and we allow others to meet our needs and serve us?