Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Get Me (DO MORE, Part III)

Continuing in the mode of my last two posts, I want to talk about how I think we can DO MORE in our relationships. As we look around, all of us either are experiencing or can see others who are experiencing relationships that are not mutually beneficial to the persons involved. A major reason I perceive for this is that many of us are focused on the wrong side of “getting”. We are trying to get love, get revenge, get healed, get sex, get rich, get on top, get over or get by. Each of those “gets” are about you. I know for me and it is probably the same for you, when it comes to platonic, familial or romantic relationships, I want you to GET ME.

Yesterday, I talked about doing a better job of expressing my needs. While my main focus will continue to be on fulfilling your needs, I do need to set aside some of my time and energies to communicate what my needs are. (My opinion is that the split should be 80% focus on you and 20% on me.) If I better communicate what my necessities are, then you will be better positioned to GET ME. What do I mean by GET ME?

  • First of all, you have to possess a DESIRE to want to understand me. If you do not have that desire, then we cannot have a healthy relationship.
  • Listen to me for understanding when I talk, not to accumulate fodder for arguments.
  • Ask me questions about what I have said for the sake of understanding, not debate.
  • Don’t put me in a conceptual box based on your experiences. Rather, be open to letting me be what I am.
  • Pray that God will reveal Himself to me.
  • Pray that God will use you to reveal Himself to me.
  • Be willing to serve me in a spirit of Godly love. (Remember, Godly love ALWAYS looks out for what is best for the other person.)
  • Don’t view me as a challenge to be overcome, but as another of God’s creations to be loved and honored.
  • Don’t limit your thoughts of me to what I can do for you. Let me focus on what I can do for you.

In my desire to have a positive and healthy relationship with you, I will be doing all of the above for you. In other words, I will be working on GETTING YOU as you will be working on GETTING ME. If we stay true to the notion of GET ME, we will have more satisfying and fulfilling relationships. We both will be affirmed and empowered to be more like what God has envisioned for us to be. Our lives will be enhanced by the very real prospect of being able to DO MORE.

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