Saturday, March 17, 2007

This Week In Review Saturday 3/17/07

On Tuesday, I talked about how we sometimes allow our “foolish” hearts convince that falling in love is not worth the risk and this often goes against God’s will. On Wednesday, I tried to encourage you to not let the pain and negative experiences keep you from the love that God wants to bless you with. On Thursday, this post was about not getting so caught up in our own bad experiences that we miss the larger blessings that God has for us. On Friday, I suggested that God made us with the desire to fall in love and that it is up to us as Single Christians to not lose that loving feeling.

Below are some questions from comments you left this past week. Check out my responses.

I opened my heart and loved one that loves another, so I settle to just be that good friend. Even though I want more, I can only accept what they are willing to give. That hurts, so is this what God wants for me?” Let me see if I have this right. You liked this one person who did not like you in the same way. So, all you can expect from this person is friendship, but not a romantic relationship. It hurts that you cannot have more with this person. What I am confused about is how you link that experience with that one person with God’s will for your life? It sounds like your question is suggesting that God wants you to hurt and settle for less than what you want as evidenced by your experience with this one person.

Were you reading my journal?” Okay, I know you didn’t really want me to answer this question, but I think there is an observation worth making. When I write, I write from my understanding of divine inspiration. I don’t have any “inside” information. The observation is this: Your experiences, while very personal to you, are common among many other singles. This shared experience does not lessen your pain, but it does suggest that if other singles can make it through their valley experiences, you can too. This is why I constantly urge people to comment on my postings. It is not necessarily what I write that brings revelation, but what others comment on in response to my postings that helps other singles.

One last comment about this past week’s posts - I focused on falling in love and how that is part of God’s plan for most of us if we don’t mess things up. I think this is an important topic for Christian singles, because we often allow our spiritual connection to God to incur static when we give up on finding true love because of past hurts and negative experiences. It may sound crazy to link finding true romantic love with the quality of our relationship with God, but I sincerely believe that is a valid link. My prayer is that you will reap the best of what God has for you spiritually and in your romantic relationships.

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