Sunday, March 25, 2007

This Week In Review Saturday 3/24/07

On Tuesday, I talked about how we have two lists of priorities. One list is comprised of those things we say because we feel that is what others want us to say. The other list includes those things we really feel which we hope no one discovers. On Wednesday, I suggested that if we keep the main thing THE MAIN thing, that we can allow the Spirit to guide us to the right kind of people to have a love conversation with. On Saturday, this post was about what happens to us when someone shows a romantic interest in us. That is the time when we should be looking to God and not to our selfish interests.

Below are some comments I have responded to.

I am thankful that the Holy Spirit reminds me that I am in Christ therefore I have no gender and I have given up my rights…for “the real main thing”...” I wonder why God would make us a gender and then “remind” us “we have no gender”? I am more inclined to think that however God made us, when we are in Christ, He works through our various traits including our gender. I don’t think God asks us to deny, ignore or pretend like our gender does not exist so that we can get close to him.

The realization is I may never get the one I want but the reassurance of knowing my father (Christ) will be there to dry my weeping eyes; to give me hope when I feel hopeless; to catch me when I fall; comfort me when I am lonely will have to be enough for now. For I know God has my best interest at heart!” Is the fact that God will dry your weeping eyes enough? God has given us the strong desire to bond with that someone special and I would suggest that He does not want us to settle for less than that. It’s nice to know that God will be there when we are sad and depressed, but He also wants us to find true love. The question we should then try to answer is, “Am I positioned for the blessings that God has for me?” Unfortunately for most of us, the answer to that question is “No.”


Anonymous said...

Your review:
It's not just a matter of priorities that we have.
I know, the way you behave in church is how people should see you everyday. But I am sure that the pastor has one way of being at home and another way in church.
Not that there is anything bad or negative in their actions but we would not normally see it.
I act a certain way when I am with some people then another way with others. I don't go around shouting Hallelujah or Praise the Lord in every sentence. I am not carrying my bible everywhere I go.
But I carry myself in a manner where I am proud to be a child of God. When we get into romantic relationships, before we give each other a kiss to we pray first?
I am quite sure that there is one side of you that some has seen and others have not.
So we all have that two sides.

And as for the second one, I still say that everyone was not meant to be married or even into a special relationship with that significant other.

If we do concentrate on that main thing, we find happiness in the work that we do. The people that we interact with will enforce that joy that we already have.
When we feel lonely or down because we don't have that special person in our life, God will remind us that we are not alone. He is always there and not to worry. Now whether we listen to this and enjoy His comfort is one thing. When we go out on our own and find our own comfort is where we mess up.
Why can't we just be in peace with God?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Writer,

I just wanted to acknowledge I read your comments for this weeks review for Saturday 3/24/07 to the statements and questions which I had posted...I certainly have the utmost respect for your anointed gift and I hope we can agree to disagree on both points.
