Everybody that thinks being a Christian single is easy, raise their hands and shout “Whooeee!” Judging form the relative silence out there, I take it that many of you have your share of what I call “Bad Singleness Days”. Well, count me in.
But thanks be to God that one monkey don’t stop no show!
Before we descend into some kind of crazy singleness self-pity party, let’s see what we can do to get that monkey off our backs. Because as I see it, that persistent monkey volunteers himself to take a piggy-back ride on each of us regardless if we are White or Black, old or young, rich or poor, skinny or not-so-skinny and whatever other group of Christians you may find yourself in.
- Remember That God Made That Monkey And He Made Us - As long as that monkey stays on the other side of the fence at the zoo or stays somewhere out there instead of harassing the “bejeebies” out of us, they are cute almost cuddly little creatures. God has the ability and willingness to keep us and that monkey out of each other’s way.
- Remember To Love God First Before We Search For Love Elsewhere - Most of us have to admit that when we put our search for love ahead of our love for God, that was akin to inviting that monkey to hitch a ride on our backs. Often, we ended up broken-hearted, broke-down and feeling beat down. But when we kept the main thing THE main thing (See “Keeping The Main Thing The Main Thing” http://mooskm.blogspot.com/2007/03/keeping-main-thing-main-thing.html), God has a way of insuring that monkey does not cross our paths.
- Remember That God Wants Us To Live A Blessed Life - Instead of viewing God as a grumpy grouch who does not want us to enjoy life, let’s study His Word to see how He wants us to have life and to have it more abundantly. Part of that abundance has to do with helping us avoid needless confrontations with the unwelcome monkeys in our lives.
- Remember That A Life of Service To Others Puts Us On The Pathway to Blessedness - As single Christians, we have to put the needs of others above our own. Since we are children of God, we already know He will take care of us, so that frees us to do what we can to help others. So when you see that monkey sneaking up on someone else, grab a stick and help the other person chase that monkey away.
As long as we Christian singles put God at the forefront of our thoughts and actions, God has some great things in store for us. If we keep up our end of the bargain and get out of God’s way so He can keep up His end, we will see our singleness transformed into blessedness. No matter our race or our economic situation or geographic location or our career affiliation, God stands ready to bless us beyond (way beyond) our expectations. So don’t worry about a stray monkey that somehow tries to hijack your joy. Just remember that one monkey still don’t stop no show!
1 comment:
Wow Kevin! That was very impactful and so true....I love the analogy. You are right!...We must remember that a life of service to others puts us on the pathway to Blessedness. I am blessed to have been a member of Brookland Baptist Singles Ministry and I am now a member of another great family here in Alabama @ "Hope Community Church" where everybody
is somebody and nobodies a stranger! Much Love Roxie
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