Thursday, March 29, 2007

God Is, So Who?

How many ways can it be said? God really does exist. What Christian single will argue against that fact? Unfortunately, many of us “argue” against the existence of God through our actions. True, we say the right things with the words from our mouths, but our behavior uncovers our lack of understanding of the meaning behind God’s existence.

God is, so who will step up and affirm this fact?

  • When conventional wisdom suggests a course of action, who will dare to take the road less traveled?
  • When everybody is saying to go ahead and get that “eye for an eye”, who will respond with the power of Godly love instead?
  • When temptations rise and suggest that no one will know what bad things you are contemplating, who will choose to do the right thing for the right reason?
  • When spiritual leaders falter, who will be there to pick them up instead of kicking them while they are down?
  • When everyone is sharing the latest gossip and rumors, who will turn a deaf ear and listen instead to the voice of the Holy Spirit?

What happens if God’s response to our declarations of His existence is, “Prove it”? Will we be able to pass the test or will we wilt under the pressure? Saying God is for real is the easy part. Who among us will stand head and shoulders above the masses and follow the clues in the reality show called “CSI – Spirituality”?

So who is it going to be? Affirming the existence of God is not as easy as it sounds, but it is definitely worth the effort. We all want to be blessed, how do we expect God to bless us if we are not willing to prove to the world that He is alive and well today?

Tomorrow’s Post - God Is, So What?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Writer,

Great post! I certainly agree along with you for God exist and our actions should always exhibit his existence…for whatever excuse we have is not good enough to doubt God is God today and the same as he was yesterday. God is who I am so I have no choice but to live in him otherwise I live a lie. God is who is keeping me, therefore I am a kept woman so I cannot do or say anything I choose. God is, so I must affirm his existence by the way I walk, talk and live my life. God is therefore I must forgive my brother as many as seventy times seven. God is so if I say I love him then I must walk in his love and seek his will for my life.

I struggle with many issues in life but I am clear that God is the reason for everything, so why do we try to take credit and discredit for the awesome things that God has done?; why is it so hard for me to confess that “God did it?” God is, so why is it so hard for me to allow him to be? I know God is so why is so hard for me to shut my mouth and allow him to be? I know have many questions but, there is one thing I know for sure God lives and he lives in me.