Sunday, January 07, 2007


Last week, we were all amazed to read or hear about Wesley Autrey, a 50 year-old construction worker who risked his life to save the life of stranger who had fallen in the path of an oncoming subway train. Without a doubt, Mr. Autrey is a hero who faced tremendous risks to save the day for a potential victim.

For this modern-day hero, he says it was a split decision. He saw someone who needed help and he just did what he had to do. I can imagine that if he had it to do all over again and he gave it more than a “split second” worth of thought, he may have at least hesitated. During that possible moment of hesitation, he may have pondered, “What will happen to my two daughters if something should happen to me?” or “How will they be affected if they see my killed by an oncoming train?” If he allowed these and other thoughts to linger in his mind, he may have decided NOT to put himself at risk to save someone else. But he did not let thoughts get in the way of doing what he felt he had to do.

As Christian singles, are we willing to do what we have to do to be HEROES in the lives of the people we interact with? Or do we allow THOUGHTS to keep us from putting ourselves at risk:

  • I am not going to give this beggar any money because he is probably going to spend it on a bottle of wine.” (We risk “wasting” our hard-earned money.)
  • I am not going to answer the phone call from that specific person because they only call when they need something.” (We risk being inconvenienced.)
  • I am no longer going to be nice to this person because they are always mean to me.” (We risk being hurt again.)
  • I am not going to forgive that person because he or she broke my heart.” (We risk being taken advantage of.)

The more we THINK about the situations that spring up in our lives, the more likely it is that we will NOT do the right things that God is calling us to do. We Christian singles are being called to help out the less fortunate, help those in need, love even our enemies and forgive, among other things. Doing these things makes us a HERO because they open the possibility that those we interact with can be saved or rescued from their bad situations. If we don’t help nor love nor forgive, how are the people we relate to going to be delivered?

Don’t think about it! Just do the right things as the Spirit is leading you. You never know if the Divine call to action is the one action that will change someone’s life for the better. But God knows and we should just trust Him. When we put God before our THOUGHTS, we position ourselves to someone else’s HERO!


Anonymous said...

Where do you draw the line to helping those who are less fortunate?
We want to do what is right in His eye sight but you hear of people who are always helping people and some end up dead for helping someone that they knew.

Kevin Morgan said...

(Response to previous comment) Why do we need to draw the line? In our relationships, how many times is death a likely outcome? Far more often, what we risk in being a HERO is a bruised ego or the realization of a fear. Both of these (fear and ego) are self-centered and contrary to the spiritual notion of putting others first. Being a HERO means to NOT think about what we are putting at risk and doing what we can to help others.

Kevin Morgan said...

The following is an edited comment from a reader. Certain items have been changed or modified to protect the identity of the person making the original comment. (KEVIN)

"HERO" (January 8, 2006)

First of all, to the writer of this article “Hero!” good word and good thought…and continue to share and keep your blessings flowing.

I am not sure I could put myself in this hero’s shoes or imagine his thoughts at this time of this event but I would like to believe God was in control of this Mr. Autrey’s actions. Most of us Christians would have turned and bowed our heads and prayed quietly. Is it possible Hero “A” was thinking of his daughter(s) at this very moment, wondering if someone else would give up their life to save his helpless child?

Somehow I feel even the man who fell on the track whispered a simple prayer for God to send him help and He heard his cry. After all, is that not what all fathers would do for their children? When I heard and read about this, I was so humbled by this experience and prayed that God would prepare me to be an “Angel” on the way each day.

We as single Christians have to be aware and listen for His voice because we never know when someone is indeed in need. Prepare and position me LORD to always be ready to serve and have that shield before me.