Thursday, January 25, 2007

This Week In Review

This week was a light one as far as posts on my blog go. Hey, I am busy like you! But, I am seeing a pattern here in the responses I get. When I write about spiritual stuff like praying, community service, loving our enemies, etc., the comments tend to be tepid or luke-warm. (I can almost hear you yawning over the internet!) However, when I write about anything having to do with romance or finding a mate, people tend to be more PASSIONATE with their responses. (Yes, the pun was intended.) So people, what's up with that?

One conclusion I could draw from the different levels of intensity of your responses is that you are more interested in finding a mate than you are in getting closer to God. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong. That's why I write in this blog; to stimulate discussion about being a Christian single.

For me, I am determined to make my relationship with God THE priority in my life. Second, I am going to do what I can to help people (See "My New Year's Resolution" on December 20th, 2006). Third, I am going to take care of me. As I understand it, the order is important. By putting God first, you second and me third, I am demonstrating my love for God and for His people and my trust in Him (to take care of me while I am taking care of others.) (See "You First, Me Second" on Sept. 6, 2006). So far, God has not let me down. (He could do some things quicker or sooner, but I am not complaining!!)

Putting things in that order works for me and I pray that you will give serious consideration to making it work for you.


Kevin Morgan said...

The following is an edited comment from a reader. Certain items have been changed or modified to protect the identity of the person making the original comment. (KEVIN)

"This Week In Review!" (January 25, 2006)

I will be the first to answer your challenge by disagreeing with your information. I know that I put Christ first, but I did not say that I don’t stumble at times. This is why your theory of “HIM first” perhaps needs a little work or rethinking because if you are putting HIM first, then those who need your wonderful spiritual insight are right up there with HIM. I think it is somewhat hard for you too image everyone is not where you are, many of us are just getting to where you have surpassed long time ago when it comes to “dating” and “mating”. God is always on my mind because I don’t think anyone would dare to want to walk in my shoes or as you posted a few weeks ago, “How I Got Over”.

Perhaps by your standards and others’, I am not there yet and that could be true. I never stop growing in Him and I will not turn back because I happen to fall or make a mistake. Thank you for expressing what you thought was right but for me it is all wrong. At times, some of us single Christian’s are not afraid to admit we are lonely and less than perfect and we just need a little help getting back on the right path.

My challenge to you, Mr. Writer is to practice what you have written in “Do More, I - IV”. Look back at your article, “My New Resolution”. You may want to accomplish some of those things, but that requires you to take the time to listen and to help someone fulfill their dreams, which may be to find a husband or a wife. If you have a need to know Christ, then always remember you are commissioned to do God’s will. News Flash - People are investments and they require time. Of course I don’t have to remind you that we are busy, but we take the time to share of ourselves with the hopes of helping our fellow single Christians.

I don’t know about anyone else, but I have a support system in all the other things I am going through. Having someone to talk to about the challenges of being single really helps me to become that person God has designed me to be!!! If you are content being by yourself, far be it for me to be the one to tell you there is more. But I am content because I know all things on this earth are temporary.


Kevin Morgan said...

The following is an edited comment from a reader. Certain items have been changed or modified to protect the identity of the person making the original comment. (KEVIN)

"This Week In Review" (January 25, 2006)

In response to This Week In Review, The average Christian single already has an idea on what we need to do to be right with God. We have numerous books on spiritual growth. Not everybody wants to be married and raise children. But there are some of us who do and when the topic of dating and mating comes up, it strikes a chord that peaks our interest.

If we are true Christians, then God is going to always come first in our lives. As "M" stated, we do stumble. But that does not keep us from going on. We want to know as Christian singles how do we deal with those times when we do struggle? How do we handle those times when we are tired of being alone?

Yes, it's okay to take a book to read when we go out to eat or even go to the movies by ourselves. It's good to have a few friends to hang out with every now and then. But there are those times when we want or need that "special" person to be there just to sit and watch our favorite TV shows together. Or just be there without even having to say a word because their presence is enough.

What do we do as Christian singles when that longing comes? You say pray and ask God to take care of all our needs. That sounds good. But when that human spark starts to kick in, what do we do?

Kevin Morgan said...

The following is an edited comment from a reader. Certain items have been changed or modified to protect the identity of the person making the original comment. (KEVIN)

"This Week In Review!" (January 25, 2006)

Mr. Writer, I am looking forward to your response on this one. Tell us what do we do when those lonely feelings kick in and we simply want someone to go to the movie with, share cup of coffee or watch the super bowl with?

Yes, we should pray, but I am not sure that is the correct order - God created us to need Christians we must be careful who we entertain so we tend to lean on each other. To ask a sinner to want the same thing I want and act the same way I act on a date is unfair. Therefore I don't entertain just anyone. My circle of friends is a selected group of people.

Thank you again for all that you do to get us through our singleness.