Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A Quickie!

It has been said that good things come to those who wait, but sometimes waiting is the last thing we want to do. Let’s admit it, there are times that we want what we want and we want it now, if not before. Besides, the only one who has all the time in the world is God. With eternity as His reality, He can afford to be patient. But for us, the clock is ticking and patience is not always a virtue, is it?

We look back over our lives and we see some mistakes we have made, some bad choices, some mismatched relationships and some ill-timed words. None of our paths are completely clear of the debris of missed opportunities, failed relationships, moments of sadness and periods of frustration. All of this leads to our current feelings of emptiness and a gnawing sense of being unfulfilled.

Hopefully, we are smarter, wiser, more spiritual, more discerning and more of all the good qualities that God wants us to have. But with all of this BETTER and MORE, what has that brought us? We still feel lonely at times. We still desire someone special in our lives. We mourn the loss of the “good one” that got away. We accept that we are not all that we could be.

“Lord, I thought I was becoming more of what you want me to be. But, why do I still struggle with bouts of uncertainty? You said you were going to bless me. When? Is there something that you are not telling me?”

God answers us in ways that we sometimes are not willing to accept. The word of encouragement from a pal. An unexpected email from a long-lost friend. A hint of interest from a prospective romantic partner. A sermon that seemed to be directed only to you. A phrase in a book or a line in a movie. An apology from the last person you thought would do such a thing. A song that captures what you have been thinking and feeling all along. Can the voice of God be found in these things?

Just when we are about to give up on the dreams we have clung to when everything about our lives urged us to let it go, our faith in God begins to take shape. What we wanted and the very thing we hoped for begins to look like a very real possibility. Thank God we did not give up and praise Him for not allowing us to give in.

If your today is still in the expectation stage, know that your tomorrow will be one of fulfillment. While waiting for God’s deliverance may seem like a long time, when He finally comes through, it will feel just like a quickie. When the dream becomes real and God manifests His YES in your life, you will sense that His blessing was there all the time. That’s how God is, when He moves in your life, it is so GOOD, that it is definitely worth the wait.

To all of the Christian singles who have had their moments of doubt and impatience, my prayer is that you will hang in there long enough for God to bless you with a QUICKIE!


Kevin Morgan said...

The following is an edited comment from a reader. Certain items have been changed or modified to protect the identity of the person making the original comment. (KEVIN)

"A Quickie!" (January 8, 2006)

To wait does not always mean “to anxiously anticipate”. Even when you are patient, you may not still get what you want or who you want for that matter. I believe there is always an answer from God and it does normally come quick because He knows me.

Yes, it is so easy for me to believe and expect something great and quick from God when it is between me and Him and that is the way I like it. This waiting on a relationship or waiting on another person to just give you some kind of hope or waiting on them to give you a crumb or nibble of hope takes to much work.

Mr. Writer, is it possible that one’s season has passed; the window has closed for love and marriage; the white house with the little picket fence has been sold? Perhaps these are the cards given to play for wasting some much time and never waiting?


Kevin Morgan said...

Dear M,

Thanks for your comment. As I was reading it, two questions came to mind as to what do singles really want or what are we waiting for?

The short answer is we want what anyone else wants. Happiness. Good Health. A sense of accomplishment. A recognition by others of our worth.

Single people think about more than just getting a boyfriend or girlfriend or about getting married!

So, when I say God is going to bless us, it is more than just about finding someone special or entering into the land of matrimony. When God blesses us, we will be happy, we will enjoy good health, we will be positioned to accomplish things and others will affirm our worth.

"A QUICKIE" refers to the sense of relief that comes when God blesses us and the realization that because God has finally answered our prayers, His blessing is so good that the wait was worth it.