Many of us view our spirituality as something that applies to the BIG things in our lives. For example, we do not steal, we are generally nice to most people and we would never really murder someone. Being spiritual with the BIG things in our lives is the easy part. It is the little stuff that is difficult!!
Sure we ask God to order our steps when it comes time to ponder a possible new job opportunity or consider starting a family or whether or not to put our ailing parents in a nursing home. It’s easy to ask God’s advice on those types of things. But how often have we looked to Him when the seemingly mundane actions occur? Instead of seeking God to order our steps in those mundane instances, we often just go on impulse.
What do we do when:
- Someone steals our romantic partner. Slash their tires? Not necessarily, say "Order my steps, Lord!"
- Somebody cuts their eyes at us during choir rehearsal. Stare them down? Not necessarily, say "Order my steps, Lord!"
- The teller mistakenly short changes us by $5. Ask to speak to the manager? Not necessarily, say "Order my steps, Lord!"
- A friend is 15 minutes late. Fuss at him/her? Not necessarily, say "Order my steps, Lord!"
- A lazy co-worker leaves us to do all the work. Complain to the boss? Not necessarily, say "Order my steps, Lord!"
What is the point of this? In our familial, platonic, work and romantic relationships, we will be faced with “little” incidents that will lead to a response from us. Our impulses will suggest the “logical” reaction we should have. But does that logical response match how God would want us to act in that particular situation?
Wait a minute! You mean to tell me that God cares about how we act when someone steals our boyfriend or girlfriend or when a lazy co-worker plays on the computer while we are busting our rumps? Yes! God appreciates that we ask His advice about the new job opportunities or other BIG things, but He also wants to guide us with the LITTLE stuff we deal with. Besides, the impulsive things we do that seem logical often end up destroying relationships, not nurturing them. God is not calling us to have shattered relationships, but healthy ones.
Order our steps, Lord in every BIG and LITTLE situation. May we grow in our ability to resist giving into our so-called logical impulses and rely more on what Your will is. May our growing reliance on Your guidance result in Your blessed favors being granted to us and to those we are in relationships with.
1 comment:
The following is an edited comment from a reader. Certain items have been changed or modified to protect the identity of the person making the original comment. (KEVIN)
"Order My Steps!"
I am not sure who gets to say or measure which things are BIG and which things are little that we all go through, but I do know that God will treat them all as though they are BIG when you go to Him.
I pray I will be filled and consumed with the love God so that all my actions and thoughts will be only of God…without this fulfillment my steps cannot be ordered.
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