Monday, February 12, 2007

You Don't Know Me Like That!

Have you ever said that phrase to anyone or heard it spoken by someone else? Or maybe someone has felt the need to say that to you. In any case, this phrase usually follows an act or words that was viewed as inconsistent with a person’s view of their relationship. By saying this, a person who has acted outside of his or her bounds is being put back in their place.

But the ironic thing is most of us Christian singles DO want someone to know us like that! We desire intimacy and we crave the opportunity for the right person to “invade our space”. We want to put that special someone in his or her place as long as that place is holding and touching us.

Valentine’s Day for many of us is an invitation for us to dwell on the loving we are not getting and the hugging and kissing we are missing. The longer we dwell on the lack of romance in our lives, the more we will be tempted to forget about the relationship and focus only on the physical connections. When we give in to that temptation, we are chasing the smoke and bypassing the fire!

Though it may seem like He has a morbid sense of humor, God is not playing a cruel joke on us. He did not give us these feelings and desires only to leave us frustrated and confused. He has given us the conditions under which we can enjoy intimacy and romance to the fullest extent. If we truly understand His command to love Him and to love others as we love ourselves, we are on the path to having a tremendously fulfilling love life! Loving as God would have us love includes a spiritually healthy dose of commitment, fidelity and discipline. It is amazing that these three words that sound so unromantic can hold so much promise for the realization of a mighty, mighty love.

Put your faith in the fact that God knows you inside and out. Trust that He has the capability and the willingness to bring others into your life that can give you the right kind of loving. Oh what bliss awaits us when we allow God to lead us to that special someone about whom we can proudly proclaim, “YOU DO KNOW ME LIKE THAT!”


Anonymous said...

It's amazing how we will accept anything just not to be alone or lonely.
We all want that commitment, fidelity and discipline. If someone has those qualities for you, you have an awesome match.
Valentine's Day just makes you want to be with someone "special".
It brings out the romantic spark in everyone married or single.
Women love to have someone think of them in a loving way. I know, men do too. So this year instead of looking at Valentine's Day in a sensual, romantic way, I am looking at it as a day of just giving good to those who are special to me. I work with special folks everyday, I have some special children and there a few friends that are truly dear to my heart. I am going to do something for them and feel the joy of their happiness on this day. Then who know, one day I'll get to enjoy that commitment, fidelity and discipline that comes with a serious relationship and tell , "You Do Know Me Like That!"

Anonymous said...

Mr Writer,

Perhaps I sound a little bitter but can will drop the "Valentine's Day" Stuff?

Wow, so many times we don’t have to say “You don’t know me like that” our actions show it and out of the mouth your heart will speak it.

Valentine Day is just moments away and I am not able to change the fact that I will basically be “home alone” but that is OK. To think about something I cannot change is such a waste of time. Time is something I cannot get back so, I am going to table the thought of finding that special one for Valentine’s Day (which will soon come to pass); also it is never too late for God to do his will.

Growing as a Christian you come to know two things, you can’t make anybody love and you can’t change people to fix you. I have decided for this Valentine’s Day to just simply make those who are near and dear to me smile by whispering “I love you”; sending a card or given them “sweetheart” candy. These past couples of days have done me well; because it is so amazing what a box of fifty cent candy can do to make someone smile and feel special…I guess this action is the only God most people will know or see that which is in me.

God knows me just like that and right now that will just have to be enough; and I trust and believe that He is working on that special someone just for me and my king “You Do know me like that”...