Monday, February 19, 2007

Will You Let Me Know Who You Are?

I look at you, but I am not sure that I really SEE you. What is your favorite color? What are your most secret fears? When was the last time you had your heart broken? If I do not know the answers to these and other questions about you, then how can I claim to know you?

Knowing is a two-way street. I must be willing to decipher the mysteries that you pose and you must be willing to open the doors to the secret vault that houses the clues to the real you. To be known is to make yourself vulnerable to the bad intentions that some people hold, but it also opens you to the goodness that God has placed inside of each of us. Is your faith in God strong enough that you will allow me to get to really know you? When you trust God completely, you can be certain that everything that happens TO you will somehow end up being good FOR you. This frees you to open your heart and your mind to the platonic or romantic relationship I offer you. Even if I end up hurting you or abusing the privilege of becoming familiar with you, God has promised to make everything all right.

So, the decision is up to you. You can choose to keep me on the outside of you looking in or you can decide to allow yourself to be a puzzle that I can eventually solve. “Love thy neighbor as thyself”; I want to know you so that I can fully love you. I am here trying to keep up my end of the bargain, but now you must decide if you will let me know who you are.

Tomorrow’s Post: What Happens When We Know Each Other?


Anonymous said...

Mr. Writer,

Wow! I feel you are looking into my heart and mind only because I often think what will I have to give up allow him to know me?

I have started to think of him often; I desire to have his attention;I would love to know his favorite color; and what are his dreams and aspirations…I just cannot let the veil down not yet because I truly don’t think I could stand rejection or another heart break…therefore I will continue to touch the surface of this person’s life and wait for a nibble or crumb of his affection.

There is a part of my life that I don’t really want to share ith anyone but I do want to get to know him; I pray each day God will not tell my secrets and God does not ask me to share my love journey which has lead me to the point of being able to rejoice.

It is funny because I don’t believe in soul mates and I am not sure what I am really trying to find in him. Maybe this "wanting to get to know him" is no more than a passing phase and he will only be a friend. All I know at this moment is I want to get to know him.

I am not sure what I have to give up and what piece of me will I loose just to have him in my present and to be a part of my life?

If this is my past is it really a part of getting to know me? Can it really add value to our journey of getting to know one another? It is my fear once we know each other what should be the beginning of something amazing will be a waste of time…

I trust God but, I just can’t allow anyone but God to know those dark secrets…so for me what is left?

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is deep man.
This is like exposing your whole self and thoughts and appearing naked to the world.
I like how you say, "Trust God completely". I am at a lost for words. When you truly trust Him,
all things end up being for my own good. Every lesson in life is for our good. Every negative situation turns around for a positive. Something that we will always remember not to do or what to do better the next time around. To remember that it is not always about me, but possibly my neighbor.
Thank you for allowing me to begin to expose myself.