Sunday, February 25, 2007

Moments of Our Singleness Blog Blast!

Wanted: Christian Singles Willing To Discuss
Singleness From A Spiritual Perspective
INCENTIVE - For every person you send to view this blog AND who leaves a comment saying that you sent them, I will pay you a dollar. Now you won't get rich this way, but at least it may help with putting gas in your car! This incentive will run from today through March 31st. Be sure and tell your referrals to leave a comment with your name as the person who recommended them so you will get credit. (I will not publish these comments, unless they also comment on a posting. In that case, I will omit the part that includes your name.) Referrals will be accepted on a first come, first served basis. To be eligible for this incentive, you must have left at least one comment yourself. (Payment will be made in April).
Why am I doing this? Because the more people we can get to participate in this blog by reading and commenting, the better it will be for all of us. Each of us needs to hear what other Christian singles are saying and how God is moving in their lives.
APRIL and BEYOND INCENTIVE - Starting in April, there will be incentives for people to leave comments. More details about that later.

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