Saturday, February 24, 2007


My last four postings were centered on the word “KNOW”. The basic premise for this week was this: The more we know about someone, the more we CAN love him or her. Our charge as Christian singles is to take the time to become as familiar with others as possible so we can love them purely as God would have us love them. Additionally, we need to sincerely seek to grow in our understanding of God so that we can love Him more.

Most Christian singles will agree with the premises stated in the above paragraph. Some of you may be able to repeat what I have written more eloquently or passionately or clearly and that is great. But where most of us miss the mark is we are not DOING what we KNOW. Often the spiritual principles behind the divine command to love get knocked out of the way when we face real life situations. This problem is made worse because we can readily see examples of when others are not being true to the principles of Godly love, but we fail to recognize it in ourselves.

So today, let’s not look at the other person in our lives and list their faults. Let’s take a look in the spiritual mirror and admit to the inconsistencies we exhibit.

  • When that person in the car next to you cuts you off almost causing a terrible accident, do you love them or curse them?
  • When your co-worker goes to the boss behind your back and blames you for something you did not do, do you commit yourself to love them or do you vow to get revenge?
  • When the person you greet with a “good morning” looks at you and responds with the rolling of the eyes and a smirk, do you feel love or hate for this person?

The point of these few examples is that when we are sincerely trying to live up to the mandate to love, we will endeavor to truly know those we interact with and this should lead us to love them regardless of how they treat us. Let us not forget that the command is not to love others as they first love us, but to love them as we love ourselves.

But, we already KNOW that. Now we just have to DO that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, I have some growing to do in this department. But I am going to make a strong effort to put forth that kind of love.
One day at a time. The next time that road rage hits, I will say a prayer for that person who cuts me off. That employee or boss who finds that one nerve to ride, before I think it, I will bless them.
I am no way a saint and this will not be an easy task to do. But if God can love me in spite of me, I can at least try to do better.
Thank you for sharing.