Monday, February 19, 2007

You Don't Know Me

When you look at me, what is it that you really see? In most cases, your so-called understanding of me is based on the prism of your thoughts, fears, likes and dislikes, hopes and experiences. So, in essence your view of me has more to do with YOU than it does with ME.

But if we are going to relate to each other, I must do a better job of truly knowing you, as you should do a better job of knowing me. Instead of relying on our own faulty visions, let’s make a consistent effort to use God as our magnifying glass. Since He knows our “goings and comings”, we might as well draw on His vision of who we are and what He wants us to become.

Christian singles need to learn how to get to know each other. It is a shame that we travel this road of singleness without truly becoming intimately familiar with who the other singles are. “Love thy neighbor as thyself”; that is what we are called to do. Most of us have the sense to know that our “neighbors” are more than the people living next door. But we have failed miserably in the part of the commandment that exhorts us to love others as ourselves.

You know yourself, don’t you? You love yourself, don’t you? Then the only thing keeping you from completely following the above commandment is the fact that you really don’t know who I am. What are you going to do about that?

Tomorrow’s Post: Will You Let Me Know Who You Are?


Anonymous said...

I like this one. But you only know what a person will allow you in to know about them.
As a woman, you have to be careful who you let in that circle. Everyone who sets out to know you may not be on the same level you are on. Some can be for your good or even harm. I know, if you have that discernment from God, you should be able to pick up on those vibes. But sometimes those vibes are not there and you can get burned. I am not talking about romantic relationships. Just everyday people. Some you work with, live next to or even attend church with.
I agree, that you do need to know people so will know how to relate to them. But how deep do we go to "know" them?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Writer,

Your last statement really sums of this article…”In your essence your view of me has more to do with YOU than it does with ME”.

My prayer is that as a single Christian I will guard yet open my heart to truly get to know other single Christian(s). I think that is one of the awesome things about being saved and under his care that we are able to “love our neighbors and one another as we love ourselves” and just incase those of us who have forgotten…”the neighbors” and the “one another” are us Christians. We have to love each other first before we can save the rest of the world.

As a Christian I have been working on me and my assumptions because I will be honest I have a lot of those; and at times it stops me from really knowing my fellow Christians. I am learning those assumptions can lean to judgment on what I think I know or simply past experiences; those faulty visions as you mention.

God has given us all discernment and I pray we will use it to get to know each other without any expectations of return and realize his benefits of loving and caring for each other.

In order to make a friend we must first show ourselves friendly…Lord please allow me to take down the blinders and let those you send my way know the YOU in ME which is your vision; so that I too can know them in the same way and through your eyes. Please Lord; keep me from getting caught up on all the isms of the world which prevent us from truly knowing one another.