Tuesday, January 01, 2008

This Neibuhr Guy Was On To Something!

Theologian and author Reinhold Nieburh is credited with writing “The Serenity Prayer” which starts off with the following verse:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference."

I wonder if this is something that we can apply to our lives today? You see, we try to do the right things, but people don’t always cooperate. That special lady that I would like to get to know better, she has other things on her mind. Since I can’t change her, should I love her anyway? That guy that seems like he would be a great romantic partner just does not see things your way. You have failed in getting him to adopt your point of view, so does that mean you need to give up on love? That boss seems to get a kick out of ruining your day, but does that mean you should not put in an honest day’s work for an honest day’s pay? That friend who keeps stabbing you in the back or who won’t repay the money you lent makes you wonder if you are viewed as weak by being so nice?

With all of these people who won’t go along with our plans, should we still send that email, extend that invitation, mail that letter, share that smile, give that greeting, offer that shoulder to cry on or shake that hand? If you are a Christian, the answer to that question is another question. Why would you not?

God did for us what it may not have made sense for Him to do. He loved us when He was the furthest thing from our minds. He desired a relationship with us when we were too distracted looking at others to have a relationship with Him. He sacrificed everything on the off chance that one day we might come to our spiritual senses. Wow, what a tremendous risk He undertook!

Lord, help me not to get all twisted up about those people and circumstances I cannot change. Help me to keep my focus on where it should be. That is, help me to concentrate on me. In short, help me to do the right things for the right reasons”.

How ironic it is that the people we cannot change are the same people we allow to change us! She won’t love me? Then I will stop having that loving feeling! He won’t return my calls? Then I will stop calling! You don’t want to be my romantic partner? Then I will give up on this thing called romance! My boss won’t treat me right? Then I will cease being a good employee! My friends keep stabbing me in my back? Then I will stop being a friend!

Hmmm, interesting how this Niebuhr guy related his prayer to the attainment of serenity or what we may call peace of mind. Could it be that I am stressing on things and people I have no control of and losing sight of how I can help me? He suggests that it is wisdom that helps us to focus on those capabilities that God has already granted. No stress, no drama and a good dose of wisdom. This Niebuhr guy might be on to something!

Firecrackers, Collard Greens, Black Eyed Peas and Humphrey Bogart

So much is riding on tonight or rather, this morning. This is the time of the year that we come up with silly rhymes to match the new calendar. More in 2004. Staying Alive in 2005. Going for the Fix in 2006. Closer to Heaven in 2007. Times will be great in 2008. Whoa! Somebody stop me!

Yes indeed, a lot is riding on how this year starts off. For me, I hear firecrackers in the background and I am continuing the tradition of having collard greens and black eyed peas as the first meal of 2008. If my memory serves me correctly, collards symbolize wealth and black eyed peas represent good fortune (luck). To top it all off, I am watching a Humphrey Bogart movie in black and white. (The Big Sleep, if you must know.)

Is it true when they say that how you start something is how you will end it? So this is how my singleness will look this time next year? Or will it evolve in to something entirely different? I started and ended the year in church, so doesn’t that mean God will bless me? I had collard greens and black eyed peas, so doesn’t that mean that I will have more money and good luck? I am enjoying a good classic movie, so doesn’t that mean I have good tastes?

With so much riding on these first few hours of 2008, can anyone tell me that my singleness will have more answers than questions this year? You see, up to this point, being single for me had lots of sentences that ended with question marks and very few with periods. Lord, I have been patient. Can you please supply responses to my inquiries?

But for the time being, I will enjoy my collard greens, black eyed peas, while watching a classic movie that is competing with firecrackers for my attention. Maybe I will be alone this time next year or maybe I will find true love. Could it be that I will finally figure out this singleness thing? Who knows? Uh-oh, there goes some more questions.

For everyone who is reading this blog, may your singleness reap the benefits of collard greens, black eyed peas and may you get to do many of the things you enjoy like watching a good black and white movie.