Monday, February 25, 2008

The New Definition of Being Gay

Not too long ago, I made a shocking discovery. I found out I was gay!! You think you were surprised, well then you can imagine how surprised I was. This revelation was all the more shocking because I have never had sex with a man and never desired to have sex with a man and never fantasized about having sex with a man. Just between me and you, when I do have my fantasies, it includes me and a woman. (Nia Long, if I have to name names). So you must be wondering how I discovered I was gay. Let me see if I can explain.

The other day I was speaking with someone that I had not seen in awhile. We did the usual catching up stuff. “Where have you been?” “What have you been up to?” Things were going pretty well until the girlfriend question came up. (He’s married, so I didn’t think to ask about his girlfriend.) Anyway, when I told him that I do not have a girlfriend and there are no prospects, he shared with me that others had speculated to him that I was gay.

Let me see if I got this straight. I am gay because I don’t have a girlfriend and I am not having sex with a lot of women and I don’t walk around sniffing after women. Does that pretty much sum it up?

So that is how I found I am gay.

Excuse me as I climb on my soapbox. (Cue the music please.) Okay people, we have to do better in our relationships. Let’s stop assuming the worse about each other. Let’s stop putting people in these crazy boxes we construct with our own fears and issues. Let’s stop tearing each other down. Let’s start being sincere in our efforts to build up each other. And for goodness sakes, let’s stop making people gay just because they don’t flaunt their love life (or in my case, my lack of one.)

I still can’t figure out when this gay change took place. I have been so focused on moving forward in my life and getting the bills paid, that I completely missed that moment when I came out of the closet. Or am I still in the closet? Is it okay for me to come out or do I have to wait to be outed? Gee, this gay thing is complicated. I think I will go back to just being a heterosexual, just like God created me.


Anonymous said...


After reading this, it seems to me that the question may not have been posed as an absolute fact, but merely, as an expression of bewilderment, and concern, and as a way to explian your sometimes bizzare behaviour. It sounds like this question may have been posed to you by someone that really loves and cares for you a great deal. Understand that folks that love you do not care about your sexual orientation, they love YOU for you. Be yourself, no matter what. I would submit that COMMUNICATTION is the key to dispelling any misconceptions.....:)

But hey, I too value my privacy, VERY MUCH! If you do not want folks to "bother" you or if you would prefer that contact be as little as possible, simply say so.
I am SURE that your wishes will be honored.

Love and PEACE!

Kevin Morgan said...

Maybe I was not clear in my post, but it seems like you really missed what I was trying to say. This post was not about me wanting privacy nor was it about my communication. In fact, it is irrelevant that people question my sexual orientation.

The point of this post was that we put people in boxes based on our own issues. I encourage all of us to learn to love each other as God loves us. Not as we think they are based on our own fears or issues, but as God has created us. Let's stop making up fake stuff about each other!
We are wonderful creations of God and we should not debase His handiwork by tainting people with our warped view of things.