Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just Listen

While watching the black and white move, “Wife Versus Secretary” starring Clark Gable and Jean Harlow, the following thoughts concerning our singleness came to mind.

First of all, here is a brief summary of the plot. A successful businessman (played by Clark Gable) who is married has a beautiful secretary (played by Jean Harlow). Everyone thinks the businessman and the secretary have an affair going on, but their relationship is strictly about business and is quite honorable. Neither the husband nor the secretary will listen to the subtle and not so subtle comments friends, family and associates keep making about their supposed love relationship. They in essence blow people off and keep on as if nothing is going on. And they ignore the impending havoc that is being wreaked on both of their relationships (the husband and his wife and the secretary and her boyfriend.)

As I was watching this movie, I kept asking myself why they won’t listen. But not listening is not so far fetched in our lives, is it? Whether we are referring to our platonic or our romantic relationships; sometimes we get so caught up in what we are doing that we don’t listen to others who are trying to make us aware of something. Sometimes we have to say to ourselves the same thing I was saying to the Clark Gable’s and Jean Harlow’s characters: Just listen!

My prayer is that Christian singles will not see their romantic or platonic relationships destroyed because they would not pay attention. What a tragedy it would be if they worked so hard and struggled so long to finally develop a relationship that is so special only to have it destroyed because they became so lost in the forest of their own desires and egos that they missed the trees. In this posting, the trees represent those unique, but special things that make our relationships treasured.

So save yourself some pain and frustration and take this advice; Just listen!

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