Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Fear of Not Being Enough

Very few of us will actually admit that we have fears. But just between you and I, we all have them and they exert a greater influence than we want them to.

One such fear is the fear of not being enough. When we met someone, we are excited about the prospects of finally finding true love. But, because we have been hurt so many times before, we temper our excitement and we try to play it cool. The truth of the matter is our "coolness" is often a cover for our fear. In order to avoid being hurt again, we urge ourselves to be calm and to not go overboard. Additionally, when we meet someone who seems to meet many of our "standards", we fear that we may not measure up to theirs.

Fear is not always a bad thing. It can help us to focus our attention on those things that can potentially cause us harm. What makes our fears negative is when we allow it to make us see things that are really not there and this causes us to become "paralyzed". Bottome line, fear often causes us to act against our own best interests.

Today, let's name our fears and then face them. If we truly believe in an all powerful God, then what is out there that should cause us to be afraid? God made us and He has given us the capacity to grow, so let's overcome the fear of not being enough.

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