Wednesday, June 20, 2007

…ian Singleness!

In light of what Jesus is doing for singles, what is it that we can do for each other? Unfortunately, many of Christian singles think that what Jesus is doing is enough.
  • Overlook my faults because God is still working on me (Translated: I know I am wrong, but deal with it.)
  • Stop trying to pick out my “specks” and get that big “log” out of your eyes (In other words, let me do what I want to do.)
  • Jesus loves and forgives, but don’t expect me to do the same (Translated: You hurt me; I am going to hurt you more.)
  • The Lord knows my heart (so you should just let me treat you any way I want to)

No wonder so many of us have unfulfilling platonic and romantic relationships!! We take what Jesus does for us and we turn them into excuses for hurting each other. Lovers are not loving and friends are not very friendly.

Jesus has paid the price for each and every sin, but that is not a license to pad our spiritual expense accounts!! By doing what He has for us, He is presenting us with an opportunity to be blessed. But we insist on snatching cursed singleness from the jaws of blessedness.

Let’s make a point of putting “CHRIST” back in our Christian singleness

  • Love others has He has done
  • Sacrifice self for the sake of others
  • Stop hiding behind the twin monsters of FEAR and EGO
  • Forgive AND Forget; stop holding others hostage to their pasts
  • Make a point of uplifting others
  • Remember the GOOD in others and forget their BAD
  • Form relationships based on what you can do for others; not on what they can do for you

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a Christian period, I wonder if we really do enough for each other. Do we really take advantage of those opportunities or even recognize those opportunities God presents to us? Absolutely not, we are normally out of position, we block God’s voice with our assumptions and silly hang-ups. We do not allow our selves to hear from God. We tend to assume someone wants more than they are asking for…most of all, we are not willing to do those simple things such as returning an email or a telephone call; we are too busy getting “ours” to help someone else out of the “pit” and because we can’t help do the simple things we should never wonder why others do not trust us with their dreams…and God is not blessing our mess.

Until we stop thinking we are “all that and a bag of chips” and put God first we will never get what God intends for us or live and walk in the authority he has given us.