Tuesday, November 14, 2006


In honor of the new Martin Luther King, Jr Memorial....

I do not know if this is an original quote from Dr. King or if it should be attributed to someone else, but one of the things he said is, "There is some good in the worst of us and some bad in the best of us."

I encourage all Christian singles to make sure their lives are IMBALANCED! How and why?

  • Acknowledge our imperfections
  • Be willing to apologize when you are wrong
  • Strive to become a better person
  • Be the kind of person who enables others to become better (not by judging, but by example)


  • God's desire is that we exhibit more "good" qualities and work on erasing as many "bad" qualities
  • Life is much more enjoyable when we are "good" with each other
  • We all have enough problems and issues, so why add to them by being "bad"?
  • In the short and long-term, we are responsible for the combination of goodness and badness (Is that a real word?)

Being "BALANCED" in the context of the above quote is not a good thing. Instead of leaning toward the "BAD" end of the scale, let's lean, lean, lean more to the other side.

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