Friday, November 10, 2006

Stop In The Name Of Love

Every now and then, people will question by what authority we do what we do. For single Christians, the answer should be "LOVE".

Love is the only thing I know of that is all positive. There are no drawbacks to love. However, there are ways we can misuse it, but love in and of itself is all good.

If we acted under the authority of LOVE, we would experience healthier and more fulfilling relationships.
  • Family members would get along better
  • Platonic friends would develop deeper, more stable friendships
  • Romantic partners would experience long-lasting blissful love
  • Co-workers would exist in a better work environment

But, we must remember that LOVE does not happen by accident. It requires conscious and dedicated effort and committment. It also means the elevation of the needs of others over our needs. Furthermore, it means placing a higher priority on the building of healthy relationships than on the servicing of our egos and the feeding of our fears. Love is always about somebody or something other than me. (It is always outward flowing, never inward.)

So today, let's live by the spirit behind the phrase "STOP IN THE NAME OF LOVE"

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