Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Worst Thing God Can Say To Me

Perhaps it is a testament to my growing relationship with God that I can admit to certain moments of discomfort with some of our interactions. I do not think it is blasphemous to say that there are times when I don't like what God has to say to me.

But as I reflect on who He is and how so unlike Him I am, I can put my "complaints" about the words from God in the proper perspective. God being who He is, shows understanding of my wariness at times and patiently lets me get things off my chest. I believe that since I usually go along with His program and agenda even when I have my reservations, He tolerates my moments of weaknesses. If I were to couple my complaints with disobedience, then I believe He would be less forgiving about my questions.

For me, the worse thing God can tell me is to WAIT. I can handle pretty much everything else, but waiting is a challenge. For you, patience may not be the worst thing God can say, but I suspect there is something you would rather Him not say to you.

As you deal with your "dreaded words from God" and as I deal with mine, let's not forget that usually on the other side of those words is a blessing. Not just for us, but for others we interact with. The more I think about the worst thing God can say to me, I increasingly realize that they are not so bad after all.

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