Monday, November 13, 2006

Where Is Your Ripple?

We are all interconnected and that is not by accident. God created us with the capacity to affect and be affected by other people. Every action and each word causes a reaction in others. Sometimes those reactions are so small that they are barely noticeable. Other times, reactions are so large that they are as visible as the sun on a cloudless day. We live in a sea of existence that is constantly stirred by the ripple effects of the things we do and by the words we speak.

For single Christians, we should be mindful of the impact we have on those we interact with. It is not enough to say, “That was not my intention….”. What difference does it make if we do or say things that hurt when that affect was not our goal? The hurt is still there. Hiding behind our seemingly innocent aims is nothing but a weak excuse when the outcome of our behaviors or words bring anger, frustration, bitterness, fear or depression. Our goal should be to make sure our INTENTIONS as well as our WORDS and DEEDS reflect the positive effects of the Holy Spirit working in our lives.

Where is your ripple? I pray that your journey of singleness is one that brings healing not hurt, joy not sadness, light not darkness, growth not decline in the lives of those whose paths you cross.

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