Monday, June 23, 2008

The Greater Risk

In reference to the publication of my new book, Songs of Singleness; one person said I was courageous. When I enquired what she meant by “courageous”; she replied that people might read my book and disagree with my thoughts or not like what I have to say.

For me, people disagreeing or not liking what I write is no big deal. When I write, whether it is in my books or in my blog, I don’t do so because I want people to agree with me. Instead, I write to help us all learn more and more about our spiritual journey. Besides, what I write is not purely my opinion. I have prayed over it and in many cases, I have researched it. I truly believe that what I am writing is inspired by God. From that perspective, if someone disagrees with the concepts behind my writings; they are disagreeing with the prime mover behind those words.

So as I see it, the greater risk is that people will not even take the time to read my book. For those who have the opportunity to read Songs of Singleness, but decide not to accept that opportunity; they risk missing out on divinely inspired words about their lives. Because of my concern for the potential readers of my book; I would rather have you disagree with parts of my writings then have you miss out on some things I sincerely believe God has given me to say.

We all have heard people refer to their efforts as “I am not just doing this to hear myself talk.” Well for me, I don’t write just to see my words on paper. The reason why I write is to help position people to receive all of the blessings that God has for them.

In our journey of singleness, let’s not get caught up in who didn’t cross their t’s or dot their i’s. I may say “po-tah-toe” while you say “po-tay-toe”. I may struggle with a certain temptation while you may struggle with something entirely different. The risk is not that we may judge each other’s “eye-specks”. Nope, the greater risk is we may stand in our own way and in the way of others which keeps all of us from being fully blessed like God wants us to be.

Like I said before, I’d rather you not see eye to eye with me, than you and/or I not be willing to hear what God is trying to say. Not taking proper advantage of the chance to grow from the lessons that God is sharing with us? Now that to me is the greater risk!

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