Sunday, June 08, 2008

Stop By Place

I am single and I am on top of the world!

If that is not how you feel today, then perhaps what you need is a STOP BY PLACE.

Put simply, a STOP BY PLACE is the location where our faith in God intersects with His love for us. The problem is not with God's love, but it is our faith. You see, what happens is because God is not as visible to us as Mr. or Miss Look So Good or our bank accounts or girlish or boyish figures or high powered social connections; we put more faith in these things than on God.

This simple post is just an encouragement for all Christian singles to pump up our faith muscles so that our STOP BY PLACE is as high and effective as possible. Because when our faith in God is high (and the love that God has for us is already high); we will have more days when we can truly say,

I am single and I am on top of the world!

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