Thursday, July 12, 2007

Stuff On The Brain!!

Life is not fair, but somehow many Christian singles feel that it should be. But it ain’t! Yet we persist in whining about how life is dealing a bad hand. Who fed us all this STUFF that led us to believe that trouble should never come our way?

Just another day of singleness with STUFF on the brain.

No significant other in my life. But, the problem is not me. It is because all the good ones are gone or they are not smart enough, cute enough, mentally stable enough or spiritual enough. “Woe is me” we cry because we are wandering in our garden of Eden that seems more like a wilderness. I SHOULD have someone to love me and the fact that I don’t only means that the whole world must be screwed up.

Again, just another day of singleness with STUFF on the brain.

My job stinks and my paycheck is a joke. My friends are shaky and my car always acting up. My bank account is dying of starvation and refrigerator is considering charging me with negligence. Truly this is not the way it is supposed to be.

I can’t believe it, but here again I am having another day of singleness with STUFF on the brain.

Lord, you know I try to do right. But even when I try to stay focused on you, things happen to get me distracted. Sexual temptation, is that you again? Loneliness and depression and feelings of isolation; who invited you in? There goes that co-worker playing fiddle on my last nerve. Y’all make a single Christian want to go off!

Here I go again with having to face another day with STUFF on the brain.

Wow! God’s keeping power is some powerful stuff! I haven’t slept with every Mr. or Miss Look So Good that has looked my way. I did not succumb to the strong urge to seek revenge or blow someone away. Thank God that He kept me in perfect peace. I still manage to find reason to laugh every now and then. I am still able to enjoy the beauty that God has placed all around me. You know; I may just discard that negative STUFF that has been grabbing most of my attention. Keeping my mind on HIM, now that is the kind of STUFF that should be on my brain!


Anonymous said...

Yes often we as Christians period do have “Stuff on the Brain” but for me that is all it is; as easy as you may think it is to rid ones mind of this ” stuff” it is extremely hard almost impossible at times not to think of “stuff” like:

Life is not fair; everyone has someone except me. Lord, is it me what do I lack that makes me so undesirable; am I not pretty enough; smart enough; young enough; and/or skinny enough? Please Lord Let it be me that he sees; let him notice me; why has he not called me or returned my emails? Why do people not like me? Why are they talking about me? And the stuff goes on and on!

And yes this “STUFF” stays on my mind, and it returns more often that I would like…it is my desire to be content as a single Christian and I know what the bible says “it is not good for man to be alone” but it is also not good for man to worry about this type “stuff” either and I am sure you will agree when we worry and get depress about this "STUFF" we are out of relationship with God…I have accepted the fact I cannot make anyone love or like me; or be courteous enough to call or return an email and I simply am getting to the point I really don’t care what people think of me because Christ suffered through this "STUFF" and He is far greater than I. I owe no one anything because of his suffering; he paid the price for it all.

So bottom line Mr. Writer, no matter what you write with your swift pin and your keen mind my prayers will be, Lord let me find contentment in my present situation even if it means being alone and single for the rest of my life…I still want to be able to celebrate my singleness and praise “right where I am”. Just as you said, perhaps we have affected our own destiny by the choices we have made and we may have to live with the results of those choices, right? Is it so wrong to want to be “SAVED, SINGLE AND SATISIFIED" in christ?

Anonymous said...

I like this one on the "Stuff on the brain". The mind is a powerful tool. You can be watching a movie on tv and stuff pops into your head, I wonder who he is with tonight. That is no concern to you anyway. Or at work and that co worker is up close to her boss and that stuff comes up again I wonder if shes sleeping with him. None of your business.
I am still single. Am I too old, too fat or not attractive enough.
Move that stuff out of the way. That is plain old insecurity.
Stuff is all around us every day.
But the key is how we respond to stuff.
If our hearts and minds are in the right place that stuff will roll off our backs like water on a duck.