Saturday, July 28, 2007

Who Broke My Phone?

Have you ever had one of those weekends or extended periods of time when the phone did not ring? Because of its silence, you check for a dial tone like a doctor checks for pulse. “Hello, is anybody out there!” It would seem like the answer to that question is “NO!” if the hush of the phone is any indication.

Well, that is how things have been going for me lately. Now before you start saying crazy things, read my blog from September 6, 2006 (“Your Choice”).

Several months ago, I mentioned to a friend that I stopped turning my phone on. She asked why and my response was because no one called. Well it is several months since then and here I go again! Excuse me for a second; I just want to make sure that darn thing is not broken. Nope, it is still on and there is a dial tone. Yes, I do turn my phone on everyday now, but there are some days when I might as well have let that thing sleep.

If it were left up to me, I would rather that I be the one who is alone if it meant that YOU would not be. If there has to be someone who will never get to experience the joys of true love, it might as well be me if that also means that it will not be YOU who missed the blissfulness of matrimony. If only one of us is going to be walking around with a broken down phone that OBVIOUSLY cannot receive calls; then let that person be me. Read “Solitude Is Not For Everyone

Why am I sharing this with you? Well, it is not so that you will feel sorry for me. And it is certainly not for you to dig into your bag of tired clichés that have no basis in reality. (If your comment is about me or my situation, then you have missed the point.) Rather, I want you to grow closer to God as you think about this posting. How? By knowing that I am praying for your happiness. By knowing that I am willing to help you achieve that happiness with all that is spiritually at my disposal. By allowing the fact that someone is genuinely concerned about what is best for you to uplift you and put a bounce in your steps. By finding humor in the fact that I am going to have to find another way to dial God’s number on your behalf because my phone OBVIOUSLY must be broken!


Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you. I sat at home this whole weekend and my phone rang several times for my son. But no one called for me.
On Sunday, I thought, "Wow, nobody has called me". Then I remember a "friend" once asking me what was wrong with my phone? Why didn't I call someone? So I picked up my phone and started calling those I had not heard from in a while. And it was good.
Then there could be something else going on too. Maybe this quiet time can be used to hear God. To read His word and pray.
Or maybe broaden my horizon by reading that book that I bought and it is collecting dust on the book shelf.
Or maybe I could do some really needed cleaning to that room.
We all have those moments of let me pick up this phone to see if it is still working moments.
But it is really what are we doing with ourselves when we have those moments.
No pity party is necessary. We need to utilize time wisely. Tomorrow is not promised. Shoot, pick up that darn phone and call somebody yourself. Mother, sister, brother, church buddy, long time friend, the list goes on.

Anonymous said...

It would seem as though I pray for others more than they pray for me…or at least that is how I feel at times. Then I think back to that word “choices”, and I know that so many times I have chosen to be alone, wow I really have not invested real time in those relationships that seem important to me so if my phone does not ring for days then this is the result of my choices…now I am trying to reverse my choice and not spend so much time alone. I want the telephone to ring every now and then; I want God’s voice to be a constant in my life. BUT I have no ideal how to make it happen; I just realized that is the problem! “I” try to make it happen instead of allowing God to make it happen.

I spend quite a bit of time alone and now I am learning to use this time a little more wisely. This time alone has forced me to take inventory of my Christian walk and I have found out that I have a lot of maturing in Christ to do, most of all when it comes to dealing with this loneliness and emptiness inside of me which seems to “ring my number too often”.

I am probably one of a few hundred people in today’s world who does not have or own a cell phone (my choice of course). I do my share of talking on the “house” phone but the point is this post has made me aware that I don’t always use that time wisely and I need to make sure I cherish what God has given us and not use these communication tools (telephone, computer, blackberry, I phone, etc.) as a faster source of gossip and backbiting but to be that communication line to Him.

Thank you for reminding me I need to focus on hearing God’s voice at all time, and take those moments of silent s to find ways to simply “do more”. As I pray for others, and desire their good hopefully God will see my heart...I have to plant and sow what I hope to reap…

Anyone who knows a word of prayer please pray for me that I will allow God to order my steps…and what I have given Him I will allow him to keep it and stop being an Indian-giver.