Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Just Quiet, That's All

I consider myself to be a quiet person most of the time. I joke around and I can be long-winded on occasion. But for the most part, I am just quiet, that's all.

I make a habit of greeting people everywhere I go, but I may not have much else to say after that. If by chance you want to talk to me, then say something. When it comes to holding conversations, if you start it, I will do my best to continue it. But if you don't say anything and I don't say anything, don't put all of the blame on me.

If I am quiet around you, it probably does not have anything to do with you. I am not mad at you, nor afraid nor intimidated. I am just quiet, that's all. I may be deep in thought or I could be running through a series of random thoughts. My quietness is not a signal that I am pondering profound subjects. It is not a clue that maybe I am a little depressed.

It is not necessarily any of those things. Trust me, let's not make this too complicated. I am just quiet, that's all.

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