Monday, March 26, 2007

God Is - So Why?

In a world of subjective truths, most of which we just make up as we go along, all Christian singles can agree on at least one thing. That point of agreement is: God Is. Anyone who disagrees, please exit the room because you are reading the wrong blog!

The question really is not about God’s existence, but rather how real is He to us? If God is really, really, really real, then why do we act the way we do? We are quick to point out the obvious fact of the existence of God, but His impact on us is not as apparent.

God is, so why:

  • Are we so tempted to return hate for hate when people mistreat us?
  • Do we seriously contemplate cussing out someone who has found and plucked our last nerve?
  • Do we wish bad things on that former boyfriend or girlfriend who broke our hearts?
  • Are we so easily seduced into doing things we know are not the right things to do?
  • Are we more likely to buy a new outfit or go out to eat than pay our tithes?
  • Do we make our interactions with others more about our selfish interests and less about what is best for them?

When we prefer to serve God out of convenience rather than through spiritual conviction, He becomes less real and we incriminate ourselves as hypocrites and liars. God is? Because of the ungodly things we do to each other, who would recognize this God who is supposedly the head of our lives? Often our behavior says that God “MIGHT” be instead of confirming that He “IS”.

Let’s elevate our Christian singleness by “proving” through our actions that God really does exist. By putting into practice the high standard of pure love, we can affirm that He is very real. When we step up to challenge of making God more visible, we not only enhance ourselves, but we also bring blessings down on those we interact with. Helping us while uplifting others simply by living as if God is; that is some good stuff! It all sounds so simple doesn’t it? SO WHY are we not doing a better job of verifying through our actions and the quality of our relationships the undeniable truth that God Is?

Tomorrow’s Post - God Is, So When?


Anonymous said...

That was good. Please exit the room. ;o
On the serious side, sometimes I get that selfish notion that I have worked hard for the little change that I get so I am entitled to an evening out, a movie or even get my nails done.
I say selfish because the thought of my Heavenly Father on that cross does not enter my mind at that time.
He gave His life for me and how do I show my gratitude. I know I am not perfect and just as sure as there is life in this body, I know I will slip along the way. So how is one suppose to ACT when we know there is going to be something that we do that is not Godly. Overeating, that bad thought about your boss, speeding, that little bit of gossip that comes your way,
not praying or reading your bible regularly and the list goes on. If there is a perfect human walking this earth I really would like to know how they are doing it.
We know that God exists and we try to emmulate it daily, but there are times that we do slip.
I must say that I am no way the same today as I was this time last year. I have grown spiritually and mentally. But and there is always a but I am not perfect.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Writer,
Although, you have a great sense of human something tells me you indeed meant just what you said, if we are not in agreement with the point “God Is, please exist the room”. Yes, God is so why do we act as though He is not?

His impact on my life should always be apparent period! He loves me unconditionally but am I able to love others in this same way? Although I don’t necessarily wish anyone bad I am not necessarily praying for their good either. Every now and then I get caught up in “ME” and forget that He is indeed the head of my life. God is always in place I am the one who is always moving and sometimes I fail to position myself in Christ making it totally impossible to receive or to be a blessing. Realizing each day God has not forgotten me but I am the one who has selective memory and forgets about God and all his promises.

So if I believe that God existence and God is really, really real I will stop doing all that is not of Him and refuse to use excuses for my ungodly behavior…