Friday, March 02, 2007

Single and Trusting God With My Whole Heart

Why should I be discouraged? Why should the shadows come?”

I woke up this morning and I was still single. Is the fact that I am not married a good thing? I wonder if I will ever find someone to fall in love with and who is just as willing to fall in love with me. Maybe I am not good enough. Maybe my hair is too short or too gray. Maybe I am not the right weight to attract someone. Maybe my breath stinks too much for someone to want to kiss me. Maybe this or maybe that is the cause of my continued singleness. Maybe, maybe, maybe. At times, that’s what my singleness seems to be about; a never-ending flow of maybe’s causing me to feel like I am drowning in a sea of uncertainties.

Lord, I have so many questions. Do you have any answers? Will you share any of them with me? Help me to not become discouraged so quickly and help me to keep moving toward your light so the shadows will always be behind me. In short, help me to truly trust you with my whole heart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Writer,

I am sure you know that I am going to say you are single and not in a relationship by choice...

Yes single and trusting God with all my heart that He knows what is best for me. Many times I feel discouraged and the shadows do come but there is one constant in my life and that is Christ and we must trust Him to work it out for our good. We must first seek God and his kingdom and ALL things will be added.

As someone said in an earlier post, “Men have the advantage in relationships, 95% of the time they are the ones who get to choose”; Men get to find and seek a mate which in order with the word.

It is interesting that you would mention several maybes as reasons for not having a mate which I tend to be struggling with lately. I have decided that if someone does not feel I am desirable because my hair is too gray or too short then that is their lost. Because my God tells me I am wonderfully made and that includes my gray hair. Things such as not being the right weight certainly is different than being overweight and our hygiene we should want to work on for the betterment of our health…as for me I only have one major requirement for my king and that is,He loves the Lord!

My pray for all of us are that God will teach each us to love one another as we are and get beyond the physical because as we age these things will change…and perhaps pass away.