Thursday, November 15, 2007

A Man With God In His Eyes

Many of you who have read all of the posts in this series concerning a woman with God in her eyes may assume that God in the eyes of a man would be the same. Let me humbly suggest that if you are looking for those same exact traits in men that I listed for women, you will be looking long and hard and end up not being successful! Now, now, don’t get discouraged. It is not that you should not look for a man with God in his eyes. Rather, you should make sure you look for the right things to identify such a man. That is what I am going to try to do with this post!

You may recall that I listed the following traits as belonging to a woman with God in her eyes: Purpose, Love, Influence, Humanity and Hope. Of these traits, only one is specifically for the woman. That trait is the gift of influence. Because of how God has made women; influence is something that should come relatively naturally to her.

With the remaining above traits, there may be some very subtle nuances that are different for men and women. For example, purpose for the woman is important and every woman should have one (or perhaps it is better to say that every woman should recognize their purpose). For the man, purpose is not only important; it is vital. How so? Because of the way God has made males; purpose is part of our definition and ultimately part of our survival. A man without purpose in essence does not exist. Women, be honest. A man who is just floating along through life without purpose is not really attractive is he? He may look like Denzel or whoever you admire for his physical qualities; but if you sense that he is not going anywhere and has no clue of where he is heading, you will quickly lose interest in him. This is more so the case with women who have God in their eyes when it comes to the men they interact with.

But, let’s get to those additional traits I think a man with God in his eyes should have.

Priesthood - If I knew my English teacher was not reading this post, I might use the phrase “priesthoodness”. Essentially what this speaks to is the responsibility of the male to serve as the spiritual leader in the man to woman relationship. Men should be the ones to encourage the couple to go to church, to not engage in premarital sex, to do the right things for the right reason, to help out the poor and so on. Unfortunately, many of our women have had to fend for themselves when it comes to their spiritual health. If she does not work out her salvation with fear and trembling, then no one will. But the way it is supposed to be is the men who are in romantic relationships with women should be leading the way for BOTH of them to grow. (Incidentally, this trait is the complement to the woman’s gift of influence.)

Skill - This is another one of those traits that is nice or important for the woman to have, but it is vital for the man with God in his eyes. From the woman’s perspective, what good is a man who is not good at anything? Have you ever wondered why men who can sing well or play basketball or who demonstrate a unique level of intelligence always seem able to attract women to them? These and other skills are aphrodisiacs of a sort for women. Chicks dig a man with skills! But this goes beyond how a woman reacts to this trait in a man. God created males to change the world in positive ways. With their understanding of their purpose and their “priesthoodness”, a man’s talent (which is God-given) allows him to have the kind of impact on people that the Divine Father wants him to have.

Strength - Does this mean every man should like LL Cool J on steroids? (No, I am not making any allegations!) No, the strength I refer to is not only physical, but also spiritual. In addition to being a world changer, a man with God in his eyes should also be a protector. Who or what should he protect? His woman, his family, his reputation, his legacy, his purpose and his talents. To be able to fend off all of the threats to these people and things, a man with God in his eyes needs to be strong.

I don’t mean to depress anyone, but men with God in their eyes are a rare sight to see. But guess who knows where these “good” men are? Yes, that’s right. God is the answer to that question. Here’s a hint to all of the women out there in blog land who may be wondering how to find a man with God in his eyes. Become a woman with God in your eyes.

Tomorrow’s Post - Becoming a Woman or a Man With God In Your Eyes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mr. Writer,

The expectations of A Man with God in His Eyes (MWGIHE) are somewhat weak to me. Is it at all possible you are not able to see those true qualities because you are too close to the subject? Or perhaps, I have missed this one because I am not close enough to the subject.

Just a few comments of these qualities which are vital and important for a man with God in his eyes: a quality that all God's people should have not only "men" (I know how you feel about quoting scriptures but this one is needed)...see 1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light”.

For our strength is found in the Lord and for I can do all things through Christ who Strengthen ME!

I feel a man should have the purpose of God in his eyes and in his heart otherwise Men get s the "A man will be a man" attitude (which by the way is not biblical) in his eyes...then the purpose becomes about him instead of HIM.

In other words, man has to see the purpose for a woman through the eyes of God ; the purpose of woman is not for man to abuse and use...the purpose of women out numbering men is not for him to be the grand lover or “playa” ...the purpose of that sassy woman is not for you to lay hands on...the purpose of that woman wearing tight clothes or revealing clothes is not for man to rape with his eyes or force his body upon her...the purpose of your power and influence is not to be little and degrade that woman. Unless you have the purpose of God in those beautiful eyes of yours, you will miss the gift of woman God has given you.

Yes, writer God's purpose is a quality I pray all men will have in his Eyes to keep him focused.

Again, it is awesome how God has anointed you to do what you do and I thank God for you!

~Lady M, I strive to live for Him…