Thursday, November 01, 2007

Way Off!

Relationships are fragile things, wouldn’t you agree? That’s all the more reason to go running through life’s store of delicate feelings and egos like a bull in a china shop. But unfortunately, that is exactly what we do.

In short, we are often WAY OFF when it comes to truly relating to each other.

Most of us, this includes YOU, only see what we want to see about others. We live in a world where people send cards of condolences because it furthers their secret agenda. Far too often, we do nice things because of the nice feelings it generates in us, not the other person. We go to that meeting or attend that musical recital or go to that graduation because of what we think we can get out of the deal.

Why do we persist in being WAY OFF in our interactions with each?

Emails get sent, phone calls are made, text messages are typed and cell phone are “hit” not because of concern about the person you are making contact. Rather, it’s all about the possibility of making a love connection or getting that sexual itch scratched. Or maybe you need to feel sexy or attractive or wanted or important. Maybe your ego is in need of being stroked.

All of that is all about being WAY OFF. And then we wonder why are relationships are so unfulfilling? Why do we feel frustrated or lonely or hurt?

It is time we Christian singles get back to being WAY ON.

From now on, let’s make our actions about helping OTHERS, building up OTHERS, supporting OTHERS, and elevating Others. The good that you do; stop making it about you and your needs. Trust God to provide for you. You focus on allowing God to help you be a blessing to others.

Yes, relationships are fragile things. Let’s not go bumping through our interactions only fulfilling our selfish lusts and desires. That’s a person with feelings that you are using to get a little something-something for yourself! See, truly SEE the other person. You shrink and allow them to grow.

When you learn the spiritual art of putting others first, God will bless you beyond your expectations. God blesses those that help…..OTHERS.

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